Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/feb 2021 Paper


     Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/feb 2021 Paper

  Duration: 1.15Hrs.                                                                                  M.Marks:25

                                                   SECTION-A                     Evening Session

Q1. Write short note on any three:                                                             3X5=15

  i. What are the factors affecting the choice of particular gauge?
ii. Why coning of wheels is done in railways?
iii. What are the functions of fish plates? 

iv. What are the advantages and disadvantages of timber sleepers?
v. Name the various tools required for track maintenance.
vi. Define and draw sketches of the following: A) Deck Bridge B) Through Bridge
vii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tunnels?
viii. What do you understand by wing walls? Enumerate the types of wing walls.



Q2. Attempt any one questions.                                                                                              1×10=10

a. Explain different operations involved in the construction of tunnel.
b. What do you mean by failure of rails? Explain different types of failure of rails.
c. What is signalling? What are the objects of signalling? Explain absolute block system of signalling.
d. What are abutments? Explain different types of abutments in detail with sketches.
e. What are the various factors which effect the selection of bridge site?

Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/ dec 2016 Diploma PSBTE Paper

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Section A :Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/dec 2016 Diploma PSBTE Paper

What are the factors affecting the choice of particular gauge?

Factors affecting the choice of particular gauge.

Why coning of wheels is done in railways?

coning of wheels is done in railways.
iii. What are the functions of fish plates? 

iv. What are the advantages and disadvantages of timber sleepers?
v. Name the various tools required for track maintenance.
vi. Define and draw sketches of the following: A) Deck Bridge B) Through Bridge
vii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tunnels?
viii. What do you understand by wing walls? Enumerate the types of wing walls.

What are the functions of fish plates?

Functions of fish plates.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of timber sleepers?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of timber sleepers.

 Name the various tools required for track maintenance.

Various tools required for track maintenance.

Define and draw sketches of the following: A) Deck Bridge B) Through Bridge

Define and draw sketches of the following: A) Deck Bridge B) Through Bridge

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tunnels?

Advantages and disadvantages of tunnels.

What do you understand by wing walls? Enumerate the types of wing walls.

What do you understand by wing walls? Enumerate the types of wing walls.

Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper Click Here

Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Get Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHX6f8TIvX8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_RR6LVICp0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV41CMWonN4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LVPE0Q3LE&list=PLA9Q9SDZ781WXNAWit379A4CRLMvjGiUw&index=14&t=0s

Section B :Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Explain different operations involved in the construction of tunnel.

Different operations involved in the construction of tunnel.

What do you mean by failure of rails? Explain different types of failure of rails.

What do you mean by failure of rails? Explain different types of failure of rails. during work.

What is signalling? What are the objects of signalling? Explain absolute block system of signalling.

What is signalling? What are the objects of signalling? Explain absolute block system of signalling.

What are abutments? Explain different types of abutments in detail with sketches.

What are abutments? Different types of abutments with diagram.

What are the various factors which effect the selection of bridge site?

Factors which effect the selection of bridge site?

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