Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem Dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

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Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem Dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper


Q1. Fill in the blanks.                                                     1×5=5

a. ISO stands for _______________
b. Batch production is a ______ type of production
c. Selling price = ______________
d. Comparing of material with established standards is known as ______________
e. At break even point, profit is ____________________

Define the following:                                                      5×2=10

a. Forecasting
b. Productivity
c. Acceptance sampling
d. Quality assurance
e. Dispatching


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

a. Define PPC. What are the advantages of PPC?
b. What are the factors affecting PPC?
c. Define inspection. Why it is needed within industry?
d. What is the role of inspector in inspection?
e. Give the description of 5S technique used in industries?
f. Explain briefly National and International standards.
g. What are the causes of decrease in productivity?
h. What are the causes of delay of work during production


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

a. Explain the different types of inspections?
b. Define continuous production. Explain its types with examples?
c. What is quality control? Why it is needed within industry and what are the factors affecting quality?
d. Explain the procedure of estimating.
e. What are the factors affecting productivity?

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

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Section a Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

ISO stands for _______________

ISO stands for _______________

Batch production is a ______ type of production.

Batch production is a ______ type of production.

Selling price = ______________

Selling price = ______________

Comparing of material with established standards is known as ______________

Comparing of material with established standards is known as ______________

At break even point, profit is _____________

At break even point, profit is _____________


Define Forecasting


b. Productivity


c. Acceptance sampling

Acceptance sampling

d. Quality assurance

Quality assurance

e. Dispatching


Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem DEC 2015 Diploma Paper  Click Here

Section B :Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem Dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

Define PPC. What are the advantages of PPC?

PPC and advantages of PPC.

What are the factors affecting PPC?

Factors affecting PPC.

Define inspection. Why it is needed within industry?

Inspection and its needed within industry.

What is the role of inspector in inspection?

Role of inspector in inspection.

Give the description of 5S technique used in industries?

 5S technique used in industries.

Explain briefly National and International standards.

National and International standards.

What are the causes of decrease in productivity?

Causes of decrease in productivity.

What are the causes of delay of work during production

Causes of delay of work during production.

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem Dec 2015 Diploma Paper Click Here

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem DEC 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

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Section c :- Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem DEC 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

Explain the different types of inspections?

Different types of inspections.

Define continuous production. Explain its types with examples?

Continuous production and its types.

What is quality control? Why it is needed within industry and what are the factors affecting quality?

Quality control and Needed within industry ,factors affecting quality.

Explain the procedure of estimating.

Procedure of estimating.

What are the factors affecting productivity?

Factors affecting productivity.

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