Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/0619/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/0619/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                  5×6=30
i. What are assembler directive?
ii. Explain memory architecture of 8051.
iii. Explain instructions a) DJNZ b) MOVX
iv. Explain the interfacing of Keyboard with microcontroller 8051.
v. What are important features of 8051?
vi. Explain pipelining for instruction execution.
vii. Explain the various modes of timer of 8051?
Q3. Attempt any one question.                            1×10=10
a. Explain various addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller.
b. What are the applications of microcontroller in the field of communication system?
c. Draw and explain the pin configuration of 8051?
d. What are various SFR’s of 8051? Explain with example.
Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/0619/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection A :Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/0619/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
What are assembler directive?Assembler directive.
Memory architecture of 8051.
Instructions a) DJNZ b) MOVX
Interfacing of Keyboard with microcontroller 8051.
Important features of 8051.
Pipelining for instruction execution.
Various modes of timer of 8051.
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Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/0619/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Get Started c :-Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/0619/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Explain various addressing modes of 8051 microcontrollerAddressing modes of 8051 microcontroller.
What are the applications of microcontroller in the field of communication system?Applications of microcontroller in the field of communication system.
Explain the pin configuration of 8051.
Various SFR’s of 8051.
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