Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma Dec 2018 Paper
  Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma Dec 2018 Paper
Q1. Do as directed.                                                       15×1=15
   a. LAN stands for Local Area Network.
   b. IPV6 stands for Internet Protocol Version 6 .
   c. An IP packet contains ____ fields.
   d. Application Layer is the topmost layer of OSI model.
   e. PING is loopback test. (T/F) TRUE
   f. Protocol is a set of rules that governs communication between the devices.
  g. VSAT stands for Very Aperature Terminal
  h. To establish a connection, TCP uses a three-way handshake. (T/F) TRUE
  i. RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks .
  j. IP has two parts: Network Address and Host Address
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30
  a. Define Firewalls. What are its types?
  b. Write down the different applications of Bluetooth.
  c. Explain various Switching Techniques.
  d. Write down the difference between LAN and WAN. Explain.
  e. What do you understand by Hub? Explain its types.
  f. Write down the difference between Encryption and Decryption.
  g. Define Various Network connecting devices.
  h. Explain the functions of Data Link Layer.
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                            3×10=30
   a. Network Troubleshooting techniques.
   b. Explain OSI Reference model in detail.
   c. Explain different types of network cables.
   d. What do you mean by Ethernet? Explain various types of Ethernet along with diagrammatic representation. 2,8
   e. What do you mean by Topology? Explain different types of Topologies.
Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma dec 2018 Paper
Get StartedSection a Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma dec 2018 Paper
LAN stands for ________LAN stands for Local Area Network.
IPV6 stands for Internet Protocol Version 6 .
An IP packet contains ____ fields.
Application Layer is the topmost layer of OSI model.
Protocol is a set of rules that governs communication between the devices.
VSAT stands for Very Aperature Terminal
RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks .
IP has two parts:Â Network Address and Host Address
Bus Topology is logical Topology. True/FalseFALSE
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Section B :Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma May 2018 Paper       Â
Define Firewalls. What are its types?Firewalls its types
Applications of Bluetooth
Explain various Switching Techniques.Switching Technique
Difference between LAN and WAN
Hub Its types.
Difference between Encryption and Decryption.
Network connecting devices.
Functions of Data Link Layer.
Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma Dec 2018Â Paper Click Here
Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma dec 2018 Paper
Get Started c :-Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma dec 2018 Paper
Network Troubleshooting techniquesNetwork Troubleshooting techniques.
Explain OSI Reference model in detail.
Different types of network cables.
 Ethernet and types of Ethernet
Topology and different types of Topologies.
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