Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             10×1.5=15   

        a) Who was the father of scientific management?   Sol.Frederick Winslow Taylor (F.W.Taylor)
        b) IPR stands for Intellectual Property Rights .
        c) TQM stands for Total Quality Management .
        d) CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management.
        e) NPV stands for Net Present Value .
        f) IRR stands for Internal Rate of Return .
        g) JIT stands for Just in Time.
        h) HRD stands for Human Resource Development.
        i) A systematic care of machines and equipments is known as __________
        j) The taxes which are paid to the Government directly by an assesses are called ___________
       k) Labour welfare is concerned with the welfare of __________
       l) ________ inspires people to give their best performance.
      m) _________ is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for attainment of group objectives.
     n) Positive attitude person always think _________
     o) _________ is the process of getting people together to accomplish the desired goal.
      p) Planning, organizing, directing, staffing, controlling is the function of  __________
     q) __________ is the process of looking ahead.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

       a) What do you understand by customer satisfaction?
       b) What are differences between Marketing and Selling?
       c) Explain types of incentives?
       d) What is the difference between Leader and Manager?
       e) Describe the qualities of a good leader in detail?
       f) Explain the factors which affect motivation?
       g) Describe the need of professional ethics?
       h) Describe the concept of Departmentalization and its advantage?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

         a) Explain Maslow\’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation in detail.
         b) Define method for good Customer Relationship Management.
         c) Describe advertising media in detail.
         d) Describe the importance of healthy work culture in organization.
         e) Define Management and its functions in detail.

Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section a Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

Who was the father of scientific management? 

Frederick Winslow Taylor (F.W.Taylor)

IPR stands for ______________

IPR stands for Intellectual Property Rights .

TQM stands for ______________

TQM stands for Total Quality Management .

CRM stands for _______________

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management.

NPV stands for __________

NPV stands for Net Present Value .

IRR stands for _________

IRR stands for Internal Rate of Return .

JIT stands for _______________

 JIT stands for Just in Time.

HRD stands for _____________

HRD stands for Human Resource Development.

A systematic care of machines and equipments is known as __________

A systematic care of machines and equipments is known as __________

The taxes which are paid to the Government directly by an assesses are called ___________

The taxes which are paid to the Government directly by an assesses are called ___________

Labour welfare is concerned with the welfare of __________

Labour welfare is concerned with the welfare of __________

 ________ inspires people to give their best performance.

 ________ inspires people to give their best performance.

 _________ is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for attainment of group objectives

 _________ is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for attainment of group objectives.

Positive attitude person always think _________

Positive attitude person always think _________

 _________ is the process of getting people together to accomplish the desired goal.

 _________ is the process of getting people together to accomplish the desired goal.

Planning, organizing, directing, staffing, controlling is the function of  __________

Planning, organizing, directing, staffing, controlling is the function of  __________

__________ is the process of looking ahead.

__________ is the process of looking ahead.

Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Section B :Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

What do you understand by customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction

What are differences between Marketing and Selling?

Differences between Marketing and Selling

Explain types of incentives ?

Types of incentives 

What is the difference between Leader and Manager ?

The difference between Leader and Manager 

Describe the qualities of a good leader in detail?

Qualities of a good leader in detail

Explain the factors which affect motivation?

Factors which affect motivation

Describe the need of professional ethics ?

Need of professional ethics 

Describe the concept of Departmentalization and its advantage?

Concept of Departmentalization and its advantage

Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section c :-Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

Explain Maslow\’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation in detail.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation in detail.

Define method for good Customer Relationship Management.

method for good Customer Relationship Management.

Describe advertising media in detail.

Advertising media in detail.

Describe the importance of healthy work culture in organization.

Importance of healthy work culture in organization.

Define Management and its functions in detail.

Management and its functions in detail.

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