Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper (For Batch 2018 Onwards)
Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                  5×6=3
i. Differentiate between annealing and normalizing?
ii. Write down the Composition, properties of Duralumin?
iii. What are the different types of Identification tests? Explain any one?
iv. Define the mechanical properties Strength, stiffness, elasticity, plasticity, toughness, ductility,
v. Explain the Physical properties Appearance, luster, colour, density and melting point?
vi. What are Major applications of plastics?
vii. What are different types of Protective coating materials?
Q3. Attempt any one question.                            1×10=10
a. Write down the properties and uses of china clay, leather, baklite, ebonite
b. Explain construction and working of cupola with neat diagram.
c. Explain in detail Iron- Carbon diagram.
Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection A:-Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Differentiate between annealing and normalizing?Differentiate between annealing and normalizing.
Composition, properties of Duralumin.
Different types of Identification tests.
mechanical properties Strength, stiffness, elasticity, plasticity, toughness, ductility,
Physical properties Appearance, luster, colour, density and melting point.
Major applications of plastics.
Types of Protective coating materials.
Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper Click Here
Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Get Started c :-Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Write down the properties and uses of china clay, leather, baklite, eboniteProperties and uses of china clay, leather, baklite, ebonite
Construction and working of cupola with neat diagram.
Iron- Carbon diagram.
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