Automobile Engineering 6th Sem Mechanical/5330/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Automobile Engineering 6th Sem Mechanical/5330/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper


Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    3×5=15

i. What is cornering forces and centre point steering?
ii. What is the difference between semi floating, three quarter floating axle and fully floating axle?
iii. Why automatic transmission is preferred in commercial vehicles?
iv. Why helical gears are preferred in transmission?
v. Why coil spring is installed in clutch plate?
vi. How the positive and negative plates are identified in a battery?
vii. What is the purpose of compensatory port and intake port in a master cylinder?


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

a. Explain with neat sketch under steer and oversteer and which one is preferred?
b. Explain with neat sketch semi centrifugal clutch?
c. Explain with neat sketch epicyclic gear box and what are the advantages of epicyclic gear box?
d. What is tyre rotation? How the tyres are changed?

Automobile Engineering 6th Sem Mechanical/5330/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section a:Automobile Engineering 6th Sem Mechanical/5330/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

What is cornering forces and centre point steering?

Cornering forces and centre point steering.

What is the difference between semi floating, three quarter floating axle and fully floating axle?

Difference between semi floating, three quarter floating axle and fully floating axle.

Why automatic transmission is preferred in commercial vehicles?

Automatic transmission is preferred in commercial vehicles.

Why helical gears are preferred in transmission?

Helical gears are preferred in transmission.

Why coil spring is installed in clutch plate?

Coil spring is installed in clutch plate.

How the positive and negative plates are identified in a battery?

Positive and negative plates are identified in a battery.

What is the purpose of compensatory port and intake port in a master cylinder?

Purpose of compensatory port and intake port in a master cylinder.

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Automobile Engineering 6th Sem Mechanical/5330/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section B:Automobile Engineering 6th Sem Mechanical/5330/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Explain with neat sketch under steer and oversteer and which one is preferred?

Under steer and oversteer and which one is preferred.

Explain with neat sketch semi centrifugal clutch?

Neat sketch semi centrifugal clutch.

Explain with neat sketch epicyclic gear box and what are the advantages of epicyclic gear box?

Epicyclic gear box and what are the advantages of epicyclic gear box.

What is tyre rotation? How the tyres are changed

Tyre rotation and How the tyres are changed

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