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Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             10×1.5=15   

     a. One day leave for every ________ In case of child worker.
     b. Transfers come under _________ type of incentives.
     c. Job satisfaction increases the _________ of an organization.
     d. Labour welfare is helpful in low labour _______ and _________
      e. JIT stands for Just in Time.
      f. Coordination is very close to…………………..
      g. TQM stands for Total Quality Management.
       h. Reliability is one of key to good ____________
        i. The wages shall be paid in _________ or in both.
        j. Line organization is also called ___________


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

        i. Explain Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory of motivation.
        ii. Explain various Labour Welfare Schemes.
       iii. What are the factors affecting motivation?
       iv. Define Management. What is the importance of management?
        v. Explain Minimum wages Act, 1948.
        vi. What are the objectives of HRM?
        vii. Difference between recruitment and selection.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

        a. Define Leadership. Explain different styles of Leadership.
        b. Explain the concept of Total Quality Management. Also explain operation and benefits of TQM.
        c. Explain various functions of management in detail.
        d. Define advertisement. And explain its types in detail.
         e. Discuss different types of inspections in detail.

Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section a Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

One day leave for every ________ In case of child worker.

One day leave for every ________ In case of child worker.

Transfers come under _________ type of incentives.

Transfers come under _________ type of incentives.

Job satisfaction increases the _________ of an organization.

Job satisfaction increases the _________ of an organization.

Labour welfare is helpful in low labour _______ and _________

Labour welfare is helpful in low labour _______ and _________

JIT stands for __________

JIT stands for Just in Time.

Coordination is very close to __________

Coordination is very close to __________

TQM stands for _______________

TQM stands for Total Quality Management .

Reliability is one of key to good ____________

Reliability is one of key to good ____________

The wages shall be paid in _________ or in both.

The wages shall be paid in _________ or in both.

Line organization is also called ___________

Line organization is also called ___________

Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Section B :Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

Explain Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory of motivation.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory of motivation.

Explain various Labour Welfare Schemes.

Various Labour Welfare Schemes.

What are the factors affecting motivation?

Factors affecting motivation

Define Management. What is the importance of management?

Management and importance of management?

Explain Minimum wages Act, 1948.

Minimum wages Act, 1948.

What are the objectives of HRM?

Objectives of HRM

Difference between recruitment and selection.

Comparison between recruitment and selection.

Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

Get Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHX6f8TIvX8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_RR6LVICp0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV41CMWonN4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LVPE0Q3LE&list=PLA9Q9SDZ781WXNAWit379A4CRLMvjGiUw&index=14&t=0s

Section c :-Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

Define Leadership. Explain different styles of Leadership.

Leadership and  different styles of Leadership.

Explain the concept of Total Quality Management. Also explain operation and benefits of TQM.

Concept of Total Quality Management.

explain operation and benefits of TQM.

Explain various functions of management in detail.

functions of management in detail.

Define advertisement. And explain its types in detail.

Advertisement and  its types 

Discuss different types of inspections in detail.

Different types of inspections in detail.

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