Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper
Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper
Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks. 10×1.5=15
a. A Manager is someone who gets ________ through other people.
b. The _________ are major assets of an organization.
c. The interest of work among the workers of an industry is ________ by motivating.
d. The wage payment plans should always _________ the cost of production.
e. JIT stands for Just in Time.
f. EPF stands for Employee Provident Fund. g. TQM stands for Total Quality Management .
h. The functional organization was suggested by F.W. Taylor.
i. The customer satisfaction index represents the overall _______ level of customer. j. In departmental line organization all the levels are divided into ______ Department.
Q2. Attempt any five questions. 5×6=30
i. What is departmentalization?
ii. What do you mean by work culture?
iii. What is job satisfaction?
iv. Enlist the salient features of minimum wages act.
v. What is advertisement?
vi. Differentiate between selling and marketing.
vii. What is the meaning of patent?
Q3. Attempt any three questions. 3×10=30
a. Explain the concept of total quality management. Also explains the operation and benefits of TQM.
b. Define Leadership. Explain different styles of leadership.
c. Difference between leader and manager.
d. What do you mean by term incentives?
Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper
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Section a Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper
A Manager is someone who gets ________ through other people.
A Manager is someone who gets ________ through other people.
The _________ are major assets of an organization.
The _________ are major assets of an organization.
The interest of work among the workers of an industry is ________ by motivating.
The interest of work among the workers of an industry is ________ by motivating.
The wage payment plans should always _________ the cost of production
The wage payment plans should always _________ the cost of production.
JIT stands for Just in Time.
EPF stands for Employee Provident Fund.
TQM stands for _______________
TQM stands for Total Quality Management .
The functional organization was suggested by _________
The functional organization was suggested by F.W. Taylor.
The customer satisfaction index represents the overall _______ level of customer.
The customer satisfaction index represents the overall _______ level of customer.
In departmental line organization all the levels are divided into ______ Department.
In departmental line organization all the levels are divided into ______ Department.
Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here
Section B :Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper
What do you mean by work culture?
work culture
job satisfaction
Enlist the salient features of minimum wages act.
Salient features of minimum wages act.
Differentiate between selling and marketing.
Selling and marketing.
What is the meaning of patent?
meaning of patent?
Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here
Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper
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Section c :-Basics of Management BOM 6th Semester May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper
Explain the concept of total quality management. explains the operation and benefits of TQM.
Explain the concept of total quality management.
explains the operation and benefits of TQM.
Define Leadership. Explain different styles of leadership.
Leadership and different styles of leadership.
Difference between leader and manager.
Comparison between leader and manager.
What do you mean by term incentives?
Term incentives
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