Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2016 Paper.

Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2016


Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                                                           15×1=15

  1. Construction economy is Objective of Civil Engg. Management.
  2. The project should be ______ with latest developed techniques economically.
  3. After the project is properly planned, it is  organization .      
  4. Military organization is the simplest & the earliest form of organization.
  5. The job layout for any project will depend upon _____  the measures.
  6. Operational analysis is used for analysis of progress.
  7. The work of carrying out inspection should be planned.
  8. The inspection increases the life span of structure.
  9. Accidents are mishappening  on construction advance.
  10. Persons working on the machinery should be _____  & mentally active.
  11. There are separate heads of accounts for receipts &  income         
  12. A structurally sound proposal & detailed estimate is submitted for obtaining technical sanction.  
  13. The main disbursing officer in PWD system of accounting is XEN           
  14. Daily labour is paid on the basis of attendance marked on Muster Roll .     
  15. The demand of goods from stock is presented in indent  form.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. What are the functions of engineer in a Const. Team?
  2. Differentiate between PERT &CPM?
  3. What are the advantages of Functional Organization?
  4. Enlist the important points to be kept in mind while placing of Equipment’s at construction site?
  5. Give advantages of Time Rate System?
  6. What do you understand by ‘Analysis of Progress ‘? Illustrate your answer briefly?
  7. What is the need for INSPECTION & QUALITY in building construction?
  8. List any six Physiological causes responsible for accidents at construction site?
  9. Distinguish between Technical Sanction & Administrative Approval?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. Describe briefly the stages involved in a construction project?
  2. What are the methods of scheduling? Explain them briefly?
  3. Discuss the important merits & demerits of three types of organization?
  4. What are the principles of storing & stacking materials at site?
  5. Explain Piece Rate System of wage payment & also give its advantages &disadvantages?
  6. a) Explain duties of Junior Engineer?

            b) Write down the instructions for preparing a muster roll?

Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam /5170/May 2016

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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam /5170/May 2016

Construction economy is __________ of Civil Engg. Management.

Construction economy is Objective of Civil Engg. Management.


The project should be ______ with latest developed techniques economically.

The project should be ______ with latest developed techniques economically.


After the project is properly planned, it is __________.

After the project is properly planned, it is organization .      


Military organization is the ________ & the earliest form of organization.

Military organization is the simplest & the earliest form of organization.


The job layout for any project will depend upon _____  the measures.

The job layout for any project will depend upon _____  the measures.


Operational analysis is used for ____________.

Operational analysis is used for analysis of progress.


The work of carrying out inspection should be ________.

The work of carrying out inspection should be Planned.


The inspection _______ the life span of structure.

The inspection increases the life span of structure.


Accidents are __________  on construction advance.

Accidents are mishappening on construction advance.


Persons working on the machinery should be _____  & mentally active.

Persons working on the machinery should be _____  & mentally active.


There are separate heads of accounts for receipts &  _______.

There are separate heads of accounts for receipts &  income

A structurally sound proposal & detailed estimate is submitted for obtaining ___________.

A structurally sound proposal & detailed estimate is submitted for obtaining Technical sanction.  


The main disbursing officer in PWD system of accounting is ________

The main disbursing officer in PWD system of accounting is XEN           

Daily labour is paid on the basis of attendance marked on _______.

Daily labour is paid on the basis of attendance marked on Muster Roll .     


The demand of goods from stock is presented in ________ form

The demand of goods from stock is presented in indent  form.

Download Previous Year Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2016 Click Here

Section B :Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2016

What are the functions of engineer in a Const. Team?

Functions of engineer in a Const. Team

Differentiate between PERT & CPM ?

Between PERT & CPM


What are the advantages of Functional Organization?

Advantages of Functional Organization


Enlist the important points to be kept in mind while placing of Equipment’s at construction site?

Important points to be kept in mind while placing of Equipment’s at construction site


Give advantages of Time Rate System?

Advantages of Time Rate System

What do you understand by ‘Analysis of Progress ‘? Illustrate your answer briefly?

Analysis of Progress 


What is the need for INSPECTION & QUALITY in building construction?

Need for INSPECTION & QUALITY in building construction


List any six Physiological causes responsible for accidents at construction site?

Physiological causes responsible for accidents at construction site


Distinguish between Technical Sanction & Administrative Approval?

Difference between Technical Sanction & Administrative Approval

Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2016 Paper Click Here

Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2016

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Section c :-Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2016

Describe briefly the stages involved in a construction project?

Stages involved in a construction project

What are the methods of scheduling? Explain them briefly?

Methods of scheduling

Discuss the important merits & demerits of three types of organization?

Merits & Demerits of three types of organization

What are the principles of storing & stacking materials at site?

Principles of storing & stacking materials at site

Explain Piece Rate System of wage payment & also give its advantages &disadvantages?

Piece Rate System of wage payment

 Explain duties of Junior Engineer?

Duties of Junior Engineer


b) Write down the instructions for preparing a muster roll?

instructions for preparing a muster roll

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