Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th Sem ME/RAC/5307    Dec 2018 PAPER

Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/RAC/ Dec 2018 PAPER


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                  10×1.5=15

    a. The sum of the internal energy and the external work done by the gas is known as ____________
   b. A centrifugal pump forms a ________ system
   c. Unit of gas constant R is _____________
   d. One gram mole of all gases occupies a volume of ________ at NTP.
   e. The polytrophic index is unity for _______ process.
   f. During an isentropic process ___________ is constant
   g. The relationship between heat and work is ______________
   h. The centrifugal pump works under ___________ system.
   i. During addition of latent heat, temperature of the substance ____________
   j. Carnot cycle has the ___________ thermal efficiency among all other heat engines.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

    i. Define:  a) Thermodynamic equilibrium.
         b) Quasi static process.
        c) Zeroth law of thermodynamics.
    ii. Explain:
       a) Specific heat at constant pressure.
       b) Specific heat at constant volume.
   iii. Explain difference between gas constant and Universal gas constant.
   iv. What do you mean by isobaric process? Write equation representing the process.
    v. Explain with neat sketch Joule’s experiment.
   vi. Derive steady flow energy equation.
   vii. Write short note on :
       a) Mole fraction
       b) Daltons law of partial pressure.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

    a. What do you mean by Mollier chart? What is its importance?
    b. Explain construction and working of various Boiler mountings and accessories?
    c. Compare otto and diesel cycles for the same compression ratio?
    d. Describe construction and working of a centrifugal air compressor?

Thermo dynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/ 5307/RAC/ Dec 2018 PAPER

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Section a Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/Dec 2018 PAPER

The sum of the internal energy and the external work done by the gas is known as ____________ A centrifugal pump forms a ________ system. Unit of gas constant R is _____________ One gram mole of all gases occupies a volume of ________ at NTP.

The polytrophic index is unity for _______ process. During an isentropic process ___________ is constant. The relationship between heat and work is ______________  The centrifugal pump works under ___________ system. During addition of latent heat, temperature of the substance ____________ Carnot cycle has the ___________ thermal efficiency among all other heat engines.
Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/RAC/ Dec 2018 PAPER Click Here

Section B :Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/Dec 2018 PAPER

Define:  a) Thermodynamic equilibrium.

a) Thermodynamic equilibrium.

Define b) Quasi static process.

b) Quasi static process.

Define c) Zeroth law of thermodynamics.

c) Zeroth law of thermodynamics.

Explain:  a) Specific heat at constant pressure.

a) Specific heat at constant pressure.

Explain b) Specific heat at constant volume.

b) Specific heat at constant volume.

Explain difference between gas constant and Universal gas constant.

Difference between gas constant and Universal gas constant.

What do you mean by isobaric process? Write equation representing the process.

Explain Isobaric process 

Explain with neat sketch Joule’s experiment.

Neat sketch Joule’s experiment.

Derive steady flow energy equation.

Steady flow energy equation.

Write short note on :  a) Mole fraction

Short note on :
       a) Mole fraction

Short Note on b) Daltons law of partial pressure.

b) Daltons law of partial pressure.

Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/RAC/ Dec 2018 Paper Click Here

Thermo dynamics-1 TD-1 4th Sem ME/ 5307/RAC/ Dec 2018 PAPER

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Section c :- Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/Dec 2018 PAPER

What do you mean by Mollier chart? What is its importance?

Mollier chart and its importance?

Explain construction and working of various Boiler mountings and accessories?

Construction and working of various Boiler mountings and accessories.

Compare otto and diesel cycles for the same compression ratio?

Differentiate  otto and diesel cycles for the same compression ratio.

Describe construction and working of a centrifugal air compressor?

Construction and working of a centrifugal air compressor.

Write comparison between slow sand filter and rapid sand filter

Comparison between slow sand filter and rapid sand filter

What are the requirements of a good trap? Explain different traps in use.

1.Requirements of a good trap

2.Explain different traps in use.

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