Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma Paper 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper

Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

    a. ASP.Net stands for
    b. DLL stands for ________________
    c. JIT stands for ________________
    d. CLR stands for ________________
    e. SQL stands for ________________
    f. SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. (T/F)
    g. Garbage collector is used when object is no longer in user. (T/F)
    h. Managed Code is that code in which third party is used. (T/F)
     i. OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. (T/F)
     j. ADO.Net is used for database connectivity. (T/F)
    k. CLR convert the byte code into ____________________.
     l. ASP.Net is a open-source _____________ side web application.
    m. A ______________ is a collection of classes.
     n. Visual Studio is an _____________ development environment.
     o. Extension of an executable file is ______________.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30   
    i. Write in detail about .Net Framework.
    ii. Write in detail about Validation controls in ASP.Net.
    iii. Write in detail about Variables.
    iv. Write in detail about Client Server Architecture.
     v. Write in detail about Garbage Collection.
    vi. Write in detail about MSIL.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

      Q3. Write in detail about the life cycle of an ASP.Net web page.
      Q4. Write in detail about web services and their usage.
      Q5. Write notes on
             a. Meta data
             b. JIT Compilation
      Q6. Write queries for SQL Server
             i. Create a table with the following Student

            ii. Insert two new rows of data in the table.
           iii. Update one row\’s data.
            iv. Delete data from the table.
            v. Drop Table


Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Solved Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

    a. ASP.Net stands for
    b. DLL stands for ________________
    c. JIT stands for ________________
    d. CLR stands for ________________
    e. SQL stands for ________________
    f. SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. (T/F)
    g. Garbage collector is used when object is no longer in user. (T/F)
    h. Managed Code is that code in which third party is used. (T/F)
     i. OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. (T/F)
     j. ADO.Net is used for database connectivity. (T/F)
    k. CLR convert the byte code into ____________________.
     l. ASP.Net is a open-source _____________ side web application.
    m. A ______________ is a collection of classes.
     n. Visual Studio is an _____________ development environment.
     o. Extension of an executable file is ______________.

Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper

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Section a Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper

ASP.Net stands for  _________

DLL stands for ________________ JIT stands for ________________ CLR stands for ________________ SQL stands for ________________ SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. (T/F) Garbage collector is used when object is no longer in user. (T/F) Managed Code is that code in which third party is used. (T/F)  OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. (T/F) ADO.Net is used for database connectivity. (T/F) CLR convert the byte code into ____________________. ASP.Net is a open-source _____________ side web application.  A ______________ is a collection of classes. Visual Studio is an _____________ development environment. Extension of an executable file is ______________.
Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper Click Here

Section B :Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper

Write in detail about .Net Framework.

Detail about .Net Framework.

Write in detail about Validation controls in ASP.Net.

 Validation controls in ASP.Net.

Write in detail about Variables

Detail about Variables.

Write in detail about Client Server Architecture.

Client Server Architecture.

Write in detail about Garbage Collection.

 Garbage Collection.

Write in detail about MSIL.

Detail about MSIL.

Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper Click Here

Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Wireless Commu nication Diploma Solved Question May 2016 Paper

Write in detail about the life cycle of an ASP.Net web page.

Life cycle of an ASP.Net web page.

Write in detail about web services and their usage.

Detail about web services and their usage.

Write notes on              a. Meta data              b. JIT Compilation

   a. Meta data

   b. JIT Compilation

Write queries for SQL Server i. Create a table with the following Student

i. Create a table with the following Student


ii. Insert two new rows of data in the table.

Insert two new rows of data in the table.

iii. Update one row\’s data.

Update one row’s data.

iv. Delete data from the table.

Delete data from the table.


v. Drop Table

Drop Table

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