Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Water Supply & Waste  4th Semester Civil/0514/May 2017 Paper

Water Supply & Waste  4th Semester Civil/0514/May 2017 Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                              15×1=15

        a. Per capita consumption for domestic use is 135 liters .
         b. Alum is used for coagulation
         c. Kitchen waste is known as Garbage
         d. Smoke test is conducted for House Plumbing .
         e. Pollution control board in India was created in the year 1974 

   b) State True or False.

          f. Trickling filters are used to treat drinking water.T/F (False)
         g. G. I. pipes are used for service connections.T/F (False)
          h. Elevated reservoirs are commonly known as overhead tank. T/F (True)
           i. Rapid sand filter required large area as compared to slow sand filter. T/F (False)
           j. A trap is provided for preventing the entry of fresh air. T/F (False)


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

    a. What is turbidity? What is its importance?
    b. What is break point chlorination?
    c. Compare combined and separate system of sewerage.
    d. What is sedimentation? Give advantages of plain sedimentation.
    e. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of plastic pipes.
     f. Enlist various factors helping self-purification of streams. Define dilution factor.
     g. What are the various types of pipe used for distribution of water?
     h. Write the short note on drop manhole.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

     i. Differentiate between slow sand filters and rapid sand filters.
    ii. What is coagulation? Explain dry feeding method of mixing coagulants in water.
    iii. What are the different water supply fixtures? Describe any four of them.
    iv. What are the requirements of a good distribution system? Explain different methods of distribution.
     v. What is disinfection? What are the various methods of disinfection of water?

Water Supply & Waste  4th Sem Civil/0514/may 2017 Paper

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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/maY 2019 Paper

Per capita consumption for domestic use is _____________

Per capita consumption for domestic use is 135 liters .

Alum is used for __________

 Alum is used for coagulation

Kitchen waste is known as _________

Kitchen waste is known as Garbage

Smoke test is conducted for _____________

Smoke test is conducted for House Plumbing .

Pollution control board in India was created in the year _________

Pollution control board in India was created in the year 1974 



 Trickling filters are used to treat drinking water.T/F


G. I. pipes are used for service connections.T/F


Elevated reservoirs are commonly known as overhead tank. T/F


Rapid sand filter required large area as compared to slow sand filter. T/F


A trap is provided for preventing the entry of fresh air. T/F


Download Previous Year Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering  PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2017 Click Here

Section B :Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/may 2017 Paper

What is turbidity? What is its importance?

Turbidity and its importance

What is break point chlorination?

Break point chlorination

 Compare combined and separate system of sewerage.

 Compare combined and separate system of sewerage.

What is sedimentation? Give advantages of plain sedimentation.


Advantages of plain sedimentation.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of plastic pipes.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic pipes.

Enlist various factors helping self-purification of streams. Define dilution factor.

Various factors helping self-purification of streams.

Define dilution factor.

What are the various types of pipe used for distribution of water?

Various types of pipe used for distribution of water

Write the short note on drop manhole.

Short note on drop manhole.

Water Supply and Waste Water Engg WSWWE  Civil 4th Semester PSBTE Diploma Solved May 2019 Paper Click Here

Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/may 2019 Paper

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Section c :- Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/may 2017 Paper

 Differentiate between slow sand filters and rapid sand filters.

Differentiate between slow sand filters and rapid sand filters.

What is coagulation? Explain dry feeding method of mixing coagulants in water.


Explain dry feeding method of mixing coagulants in water.

What are the different water supply fixtures? Describe any four of them.

Different water supply fixtures

What are the requirements of a good distribution system? Explain different methods of distribution.

Requirements of a good distribution system

What is disinfection? What are the various methods of disinfection of water

What is disinfection

What are the various methods of disinfection of water

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