Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Visual Program Using Visual Basic May 2016 Paper

Visual Program Using Visual Basic 4th Sem May 2016 Question Paper


Q 1. Fill in the blanks/State TRUE or FALSE          1.5×10=15

   a. _______ is the control used to call a windows application.
   b. Both constant and variable memory locations should be given labels that are          self-explanatory, in order to make code more readable.
   c. The concatenation operator joins strings together.
   d. The Code Editor in Visual Basic detects most syntax errors as you enter the              instructions.
    e. Timer control contains _______ number of events.
     f. __________ is the difference between image and picture controls.
     g. OLE is used for __________________ .
     h. In a Visual Basic form using text controls, the font of the control can                          typically be changed with the Text property.
      i. Logic errors occur as a result of statements that are correct syntactically,                  but  incorrect logically.
      j. A Case statement does not allow for multiple logical paths in one statement.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30   

   I. What are the advantages that visual basic have, which makes it an excellent programming tool?
   II. Define data project in visual basic?
  III. Define looping statements in Visual Basic?
  IV. Different types of record set?
   V. Define Constants in visual Basic?
  VI. What is the storage requirement for Byte, Integer, Float and 2 other data types?
  VII. What is a collection?
 VIII. What are the data bound controls?


Q3. Attempt any TWO questions.                                                       2×15=30

     I. Explain any eight visual basic controls?
    II. Explain all file types in a visual Basic project ?.
   III. Explain OLEDB and IDE(Integrated Development Environment)Components?.

Visual Program Using Visual Basic 4th Sem May 2016 Question Paper


Q 1. Fill in the blanks/State TRUE or FALSE          1.5×10=15

   a. _______ is the control used to call a windows application.
   b. Both constant and variable memory locations should be given labels that are          self-explanatory, in order to make code more readable.
   c. The concatenation operator joins strings together.
   d. The Code Editor in Visual Basic detects most syntax errors as you enter the              instructions.
    e. Timer control contains _______ number of events.
     f. __________ is the difference between image and picture controls.
     g. OLE is used for __________________ .
     h. In a Visual Basic form using text controls, the font of the control can                          typically be changed with the Text property.
      i. Logic errors occur as a result of statements that are correct syntactically,                  but  incorrect logically.
      j. A Case statement does not allow for multiple logical paths in one statement.

Visual Program Using Visual Basic May 2016 Paper

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Section a Visual Program Using Visual Basic 4th Sem May 2016

 _______ is the control used to call a windows application. Both constant and variable memory locations should be given labels that are self-explanatory, in order to make code more readable. The concatenation operator joins strings together. The Code Editor in Visual Basic detects most syntax errors as you enter the instructions.  Timer control contains _______ number of events. __________ is the difference between image and picture controls.  OLE is used for __________________ .  In a Visual Basic form using text controls, the font of the control can typically be changed with the Text property. Logic errors occur as a result of statements that are correct syntactically, but incorrect logically. A Case statement does not allow for multiple logical paths in one statement.
Visual Program Using Visual Basic 4th Sem May 2016 Question Paper Click Here

Section B :Visual Program Using Visual Basic May 2016 Paper

What are the advantages that visual basic have, which makes it an excellent programming tool

Advantages that visual basic have, which makes it an excellent programming tool

Define data project in visual basic?

Data project in visual basic

Define looping statements in Visual Basic ?

Looping statements in Visual Basic 

Different types of record set?

Types of record set

Define Constants in visual Basic?

Constants in visual Basic

What is the storage requirement for Byte, Integer, Float and 2 other data types?

Storage requirement for Byte, Integer, Float and 2 other data types

What is a collection?


What are the data bound controls?

Data bound controls

Visual Program Using Visual Basic 4th Sem May 2016 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Visual Program Using Visual Basic 4th Sem May 2016 Question Paper

Get Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHX6f8TIvX8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_RR6LVICp0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV41CMWonN4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LVPE0Q3LE&list=PLA9Q9SDZ781WXNAWit379A4CRLMvjGiUw&index=14&t=0s

Section c :-Visual Program Using Visual Basic 4th Sem May 2016

Explain any eight visual basic controls?

Eight visual basic controls

Explain all file types in a visual Basic project ?.

All file types in a visual Basic project 

Explain OLEDB and IDE(Integrated Development Environment) Components ?.

OLEDB and IDE(Integrated Development Environment) Components 

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