Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2015

  Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2015                                              SECTION-A

Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                                      15×1=15

  1. The resistance of  earth wire should be less or 5 ohms       
  2. If ‘f’ is the frequency then dielectric loss is proportional to f or Frequency.
  3. Size of air conditioner is given in BTUs  or British Thermal Units.
  4. The direction of rotation of a DC series motor is  changed by Interchanging Field Terminals.
  5. Efficiency of light sources is given in Lumens per Watt.          
  6. For traction work, the best suitable motor is DC Series motor
  7. Coefficient of utilization =Luminous Flux / Luminous emitted by the Source.
  8. The welding transformer  must have a High leakage Rectance.
  9. Candela is a unit of Luminous Intensity.
  10. Human eye is more sensitive to a  wavelength of 550 nm


    Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. Draw the block diagram of an electric locomotive and describe the various equipment and accessories.
  2. Explain the following terms:-
    1. Luminous Intensity
    2. Coefficient of
  3. Write a short note on Electroplating ?
  4. Why DC series motors are are preferred for use on electric traction?
  5. Discuss the principle of Induction heating & its application in
  6. What is arc welding? Explain MIG & TIG arc welding
  7. Draw the circuit diagram of Sodium vapor lamp & explain its
  8. Select the motor for the following drivers by giving proper reasoning:
    1. Printing Press                       2.Steel Mill


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30


      Q3. Explain with the help of a neat sketch working of various parts of Fluorescent lamp.                                                                                                                                                              Q4. (a) State and explain law of Illumination.

        (b)Compare the ac & dc arc welding.

       Q5. Discuss the concept of plugging & regenerative brake up.

       Q6.  Sketch electric block diagram of an electric locomotive & description of various equipment & accessories.

       Q7. Describe equipment & accessories used for electroplating plant.

Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2015

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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS UEe MAY 2015 paper

The resistance of  earth wire should be ______

The resistance of  earth wire should be less or 5 ohms.

If ‘f’ is the frequency then dielectric loss is proportional to _________

If ‘f’ is the frequency then dielectric loss is proportional to f or Frequency.

Size of air conditioner is given in ________

Size of air conditioner is given in BTUs  or British Thermal Units.

The direction of rotation of a DC series motor is  changed by _________

The direction of rotation of a DC series motor is  changed by Interchanging Field Terminals.

Efficiency of light sources is given in ________.

Efficiency of light sources is given in Lumens per Watt.

For traction work, the best suitable motor is ________.

For traction work, the best suitable motor is DC Series motor.

Coefficient of utilization = __________ / Luminous emitted by the Source.

Coefficient of utilization =Luminous Flux / Luminous emitted by the Source.

The welding transformer  must have a ______ leakage

The welding transformer  must have a High leakage.

Candela is a unit of _________.

Candela is a unit of Luminous Intensity.

Human eye is more sensitive to a  wavelength of ______

Human eye is more sensitive to a  wavelength of 550 nm .

Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2015 Solution Click Here

Section B : ueE PAPER MAY 2015 PAPER

Draw the block diagram of an electric locomotive and describe the various equipment and accessories.

Block diagram of an electric locomotive

Explain the following terms:- Luminous Intensity Coefficient of

1.Luminous Intensity

2.Coefficient of

Write a short note on Electroplating ?

Short note on Electroplating

Why DC series motors are are preferred for use on electric traction?

DC series motors

Discuss the principle of Induction heating & its application in

Principle of Induction heating & its application

What is arc welding? Explain MIG & TIG arc welding ?

 Arc welding

Explain MIG & TIG arc welding

Draw the circuit diagram of Sodium vapor lamp & explain its

Circuit diagram of Sodium vapor lamp

Select the motor for the following drivers by giving proper reasoning: 1. Printing Press            2.Steel Mill


    1. Printing Press                       2.Steel Mill

UEE PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2015 Solution Click Here

Section c : ueE PAPER MAY 2015 PAPER

Explain with the help of a neat sketch working of various parts of Fluorescent lamp.   

working of various parts of Fluorescent lamp.                                                                                                                                                            

Q4. (a) State and explain law of Illumination.

law of Illumination.


(b)Compare the ac & dc arc welding.

Compare the ac & dc arc welding

Q5. Discuss the concept of plugging & regenerative brake up.

concept of plugging & regenerative brake up.


 Q6.  Sketch electric block diagram of an electric locomotive & description of various equipment & accessories.

Block diagram of an electric locomotive 


Q7. Describe equipment & accessories used for electroplating plant.

Equipment & accessories used for electroplating plant

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Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2015

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