Utilization Electrical Energy UEE Diploma May 2017 Paper

Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2017

 Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2017                                               SECTION-A

Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                                      10×1.5=15

  1. The gas used as refrigerant in refrigerator is Freon.
  2. For traction work, the best suited motor is DC Series Motor.
  3. Dielectric heating is used for heating 
  4. The positively charged ions are called Anions.
  5. Various methods used for electric braking are Rheostatic or dynamic braking, Plugging or Reverse current braking and Regenerative Braking.
  6. Butt welding is used for welding joining pipe to itself.
  7. The size of room air conditioner is measured in Tons.
  8. Candela is the unit of Luminous Intensity.
  9. Motor normally used for crane is………..
  10. Anodising is defined as ………….


    Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. What are different types of resistance electric welding?
  2. Explain with a sketch, principle of sodium vapor
  3. State & explain faraday’s laws of electro-deposition.
  4. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of electric drive over non- electric
  5. Draw and explain electric circuit used in air
  6. Define
    1. Crest speed       ii) Average speed         iii) schedule Speed


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. What is arc welding? Explain MIG and TIG arc welding ?
  2. Explain with help of a neat sketch the working of fluorescent lamp with glow type Starter
  3. Explain dielectric heating. What are its applications in various industrial fields?
  4. With the help of neat diagram, explain the working of various parts of locomotive ?
  5. Define electric braking. Explain the plugging & rheostatic braking in Details ?

Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2017

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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS be paper

The gas used as refrigerant in refrigerator is _____

The gas used as refrigerant in refrigerator is Freon.


For traction work, the best suited motor is ____

For traction work, the best suited motor is dc series motor

Dielectric heating is used for heating _______

Dielectric heating is used for heating 

The positively charged ions are called _____.

The positively charged ions are called Anions.

Various methods used for electric braking are _____________

Various methods used for electric braking are Rheostatic or dynamic braking, Plugging or Reverse current braking and Regenerative Braking.

Butt welding is used for welding _______

Butt welding is used for welding joining pipe to itself.

The size of room air conditioner is measured in _____

The size of room air conditioner is measured in Tons.

Candela is the unit of _________

Candela is the unit of Luminous Intensity.

Motor normally used for crane is ______

Motor normally used for crane is………..

Anodising is defined as _____

Anodising is defined as ………….

Basic Electronics PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2017.Download Previous Year Basic Electronics 2nd Sem Semester ECE ,CSE Question Paper Solution Click Here

Section B : BE PAPER MAY 2018 PAPER

Explain Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor with Suitable Diagram ?

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semi-conductor Click Here.

What is Zener diode? Draw its symbol and explain its characteristics.

What is Zener diode? Draw its symbol and characteristics 

Explain the Working of Half Wave Rectifier

Working of Half wave Rectifier click here

Explain the working of NPN Transistor ?

Working of NPN Transistor Click Here

Difference Between FET and BJT ?
h-Parameters (hybrid Parameter) of transistors ?

hybrid Parameter) of transistor

In what way the temperature variations affect the operating point of a transistor?

Temperature variations affect the operating point of a transistor 

Explain the Phase reversal of output voltage with respect to input voltage in an Amplifier ?

Phase reversal of output voltage with respect to input voltage in an Amplifier 

Basic Electronics PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2017 Solution Click Here

Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper May 2017

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