Utilization Electrical Energy UEE Dec 2018 PSBTE Paper

Download Previous Year PSBTE Diploma Paper Utilization Electrical Energy UEE Dec 2018 PSBTE Paper for EE and EEE Engineering Branch

Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper Dec 2018

  •   Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Paper Dec 2018                                               SECTION-A

Q1. Fill in the Blanks.                                                                                                                      15×1=15

  1. Lumen/watt is the unit of  luminous flux

  2. The sizes of Refrigerators are rated in inches .

  3. Voltage Regulators are used to Regulate the level  the Voltage.

  4. The amount of Light entering the eye is controlled by Iris . 

  5. The weight of substance liberated during Electrolysis is proportional to the product of _______ and Current.

  6. The Dielectric Losses depends upon frequency and the dielectric material. 

  7. In electrolyte process the electrical energy is converted into Chemical Energy.

  8. The Starting Torque of Three Phase Induction Motor can be Increase by increasing rotor resistance .

  9. The supply source used for Arc Welding must have straight or drooping characteristics .

  10. The different modes by which heat is transferred are  Conduction,Covection and Radiations.

  11. During Free Running Speed Remains Constant.

  12. Light Travel with a velocity of 3 × 10–8 m/s.

  13. The welding Transformer must have a High leakage.

  14. For Traction Work the best rated motor is D.C Series Motor. 

  15. Coasting is Followed by Braking.


    Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30


  1. What are the factors affecting the schedule speed of train?
  2. What is the principle of Anodizing? What are its Application ?
  3. What are various types of Lighting Schemes ?
  4. Explain MIG & TIG Welding ?
  5. Draw electrical circuit of domestic refrigerator ?
  6. Explain the following terms:
    1. Illumination b) Luminous intensity c) Lumen
    2. Which motor is selected for the following drivers?
      1. Cranes               b) Textile industry          c) Flour mills                 d) Lathe Machines                   e) Printing Machine


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30


  1. Write a note on Di- electric Heating in detail.

  2. What do you mean by Braking? Discuss any one type of

  3. Explain vapour compression cycle in detail? Also discuss the working of various parts of vapour compression refrigeration ?

  4. Explain working of fluorescent tube with help of a circuit diagram .what is the function of a choke & starter in fluorescent

  5. Explain basic principle of electrolysis. Also discuss its various applications.

Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma solved Paper May Dec 2018

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Section a FILL IN BLANKS UEE dec 2018 PAPER

Lumen/watt is the unit of _____

luminous flux

Sizes of Refrigerators are rated in _____


A Voltage Regulators are used to Regulate the __________

level  the Voltage.

Value of knee voltage for silicon diode is ____.

0.7 V

The Dielectric Losses depends upon __________

frequency and the dielectric material. 

In electrolyte process the electrical energy is converted into __________Energy.


Starting Torque of Three Phase Induction Motor can be Increase by _________

increasing rotor resistance .

Supply source used for Arc Welding must have ________ characteristics

straight or drooping

Different modes by which heat is transferred are 

Conduction,Covection and Radiations.

During Free Running ________Remains Constant.


Light Travel with a velocity of ______

3 × 10–8 m/s

The welding Transformer must have a _______leakage.


For Traction Work the best rated motor is ________________

D.C Series Motor.

Coasting is Followed by ________


Utilization of Electrical Energy UEE  PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper Dec 2018. Click Here

Section B : ueE PAPER dec 2018 PAPER

What are the factors affecting the schedule speed of train ?

Factors affecting the schedule speed of train

What is the principle of Anodizing? What are its Application ?

Principle of Anodizing its Application 

What are various types of Lighting Schemes ?

Various types of Lighting Schemes 

Explain MIG & TIG Welding ?

MIG & TIG Welding

Draw electrical circuit of domestic refrigerator ?

Electrical circuit of domestic refrigerator 


Explain the following terms: Illumination b) Luminous intensity c) Lumen Which motor is selected for the following drivers? Cranes               b) Textile industry          c) Flour mills                 d) Lathe Machines                   e) Printing Machi

Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma Solved Dec 2018 Paper Click Here

Utilization Electrical Energy UEE PSBTE Diploma solved May Dec 2018 Paper

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