Download Previous year Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2019 Automobile 6th Diploma Paper

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2019 Automobile 6th Sem Diploma Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                  10×1.5=15

a. Pistons are made of ________________ .
b. A tractor can roll over to rear or to the side when its ___________ is displaced outside its base of stability.
c. __________ is the force resisting the motion when a body rolls on a surface.
d. __________ Shaft is mounted on the rear of the Tractor.
e. _________ is an engineering vehicle specially designed to deliver a high tractive effort at slow speeds.
f. PTO stands for ________________ .
g. Positive displacement pump have _________flow.
h. Hydraulic system of tractor works on the principle of ________ law.
i. ________ in alternator convert AC in to DC current.
j. Dynamo converts _________ into electrical energy.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

 i. What are the qualities of a good clutch?
ii. Write a brief note on Power Take Off shaft.
iii. What is Tractor? Classify Tractors.
iv. What are the applications of tractors?
v. Write about the main assemblies of Tractor.
vi. What are the basic trends in tractor design?
vii. Describe the function and working of Differential Lock.
viii. Write a brief note on Cranes.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

a. Describe in detail the main faults and their remedies in tractors.
b. Explain Tractor stability and tractor rollover, with diagrams.
c. Explain the construction and working of Bulldozer.
d. What are the functions of hydraulic system used in Tractor? Write about the different components used in hydraulic system.
e. Explain the different methods of attaching implements with Tractor.

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2019 6th Sem Diploma Paper

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Section a Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2019 Automobile 6th Sem Paper

Pistons are made of ___________.

Pistons are made of ___________.

A tractor can roll over to rear or to the side when its ___________ is displaced outside its base of stability.

A tractor can roll over to rear or to the side when its ___________ is displaced outside its base of stability.

 __________ is the force resisting the motion when a body rolls on a surface.

 __________ is the force resisting the motion when a body rolls on a surface.

__________ Shaft is mounted on the rear of the Tractor.

__________ Shaft is mounted on the rear of the Tractor.

 _________ is an engineering vehicle specially designed to deliver a high tractive effort at slow speeds.

 _________ is an engineering vehicle specially designed to deliver a high tractive effort at slow speeds.

PTO stands for ________________ .

PTO stands for ________________ .

Positive displacement pump have _________flow.

Positive displacement pump have _________flow.

Hydraulic system of tractor works on the principle of ________ law.

Hydraulic system of tractor works on the principle of ________ law.

 ________ in alternator convert AC in to DC current.

 ________ in alternator convert AC in to DC current.

Dynamo converts _________ into electrical energy.

Dynamo converts _________ into electrical energy.

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2019 6th Sem Paper  Click Here

Section B :Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2019 Automobile 6th Sem Paper

What are the qualities of a good clutch?

Qualities of a good clutch.

Write a brief note on Power Take Off shaft.

Power Take Off shaft.

What is Tractor? Classify Tractors.

Tractor and Classify Tractors.

What are the applications of tractors?

Applications of tractors.

Write about the main assemblies of Tractor.

Main assemblies of Tractor.

What are the basic trends in tractor design?

Basic trends in tractor design.

Describe the function and working of Differential Lock.

Function and working of Differential Lock.

Write a brief note on Cranes.

Brief note on Cranes.

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2019 6th Sem Paper Click Here

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2019 6th Sem Paper

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Section c :-Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2019 Automobile 6th Sem Paper

Describe in detail the main faults and their remedies in tractors.

Main faults and their remedies in tractors.

Explain Tractor stability and tractor rollover, with diagrams.

Tractor stability and tractor rollover, with diagrams.

Explain the construction and working of Bulldozer.

Construction and working of Bulldozer.

What are the functions of hydraulic system used in Tractor? Write about the different components used in hydraulic system.

Functions of hydraulic system used in Tractor.

Different components used in hydraulic system.

Explain the different methods of attaching implements with Tractor.

Different methods of attaching implements with Tractor.

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