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Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2017 Automobile 6th Sem Diploma Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                  10×1.5=15

(i) If the exhaust gas is low in oxygen then the air fuel mixture is _____________
(ii) One purpose of tyres is to grip the road and provide ________
(iii) Tractor engine runs on ___________ fuel.
(iv) ___________ attached to the tractors are lifted and lowered by hydraulic system.
(v) _________ Tractors are used for major farm operation common to cultivation of most crops.
(vi) __________ Shaft is mounted on the rear of tractor.
(vii) The gear ratio in tractor is quite ___________
(viii) Two types of track type tractors are _______ and ________
(ix) Two types of draw bars are ____________ and ___________
(x) The purpose of differential lock is to join ___________


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

a. What are the effects of tyre inflation?
b. Explain the types of clutch used in tractors?
c. Explain the working principle of front end loader?
d. Write short note on maintenance of tractor?
e. Explain various types of braking system used in tractor?
f. Explain the various types of forces acting on a tractor when it is moving?
g. What are the factors to determine the size of tractor?
h. Describe briefly about tractors stability and weight distribution?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

i. How the tractors are classified? Explain in detail each type.
ii. Explain the different methods of attaching equipments with tractor?
iii. What are the functions of hydraulic system used in tractor? Explain with sketch various types of hydraulic controls for hitches used in tractor?
iv. List out the various earth moving machinery and equipments in use. Discuss any one in detail?

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2017 6th Sem Diploma Paper

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Section a Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2017 Automobile 6th Sem Paper

If the exhaust gas is low in oxygen then the air fuel mixture is _____________

If the exhaust gas is low in oxygen then the air fuel mixture is _____________

One purpose of tyres is to grip the road and provide ________

One purpose of tyres is to grip the road and provide ________

Tractor engine runs on ___________ fuel.

Tractor engine runs on ___________ fuel.

 ___________ attached to the tractors are lifted and lowered by hydraulic system.

 ___________ attached to the tractors are lifted and lowered by hydraulic system.

 _________ Tractors are used for major farm operation common to cultivation of most crops.

 _________ Tractors are used for major farm operation common to cultivation of most crops.

 __________ Shaft is mounted on the rear of tractor.

 __________ Shaft is mounted on the rear of tractor.

The gear ratio in tractor is quite ___________

The gear ratio in tractor is quite ___________

Two types of track type tractors are _______ and ________

Two types of track type tractors are _______ and ________

Two types of draw bars are ____________ and ___________

Two types of draw bars are ____________ and ___________

The purpose of differential lock is to join ___________

The purpose of differential lock is to join ___________

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2017 6th Sem Paper  Click Here

Section B :Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2017 Automobile 6th Sem Paper

What are the effects of tyre inflation?

Effects of tyre inflation.

Explain the types of clutch used in tractors?

Types of clutch used in tractors.

Explain the working principle of front end loader?

Working principle of front end loader.

Write short note on maintenance of tractor?

Short note on maintenance of tractor.

Explain various types of braking system used in tractor?

Types of braking system used in tractor.

Explain the various types of forces acting on a tractor when it is moving?

Types of forces acting on a tractor when it is moving.

What are the factors to determine the size of tractor?

Factors to determine the size of tractor.

Describe briefly about tractors stability and weight distribution?

Tractors stability and weight distribution.

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2017 6th Sem Paper Click Here

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2017 6th Sem Paper

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Section c :-Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2017 Automobile 6th Sem Paper

How the tractors are classified? Explain in detail each type.

Tractors are classified.

Explain the different methods of attaching equipments with tractor?

Different methods of attaching equipments with tractor.

What are the functions of hydraulic system used in tractor? Explain with sketch various types of hydraulic controls for hitches used in tractor?

Functions of hydraulic system used in tractor.

Types of hydraulic controls for hitches used in tractor.

List out the various earth moving machinery and equipments in use. Discuss any one in detail?

Various earth moving machinery and equipments in use. 

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