Download Previous year Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery feb 2021 Automobile 6th Diploma Paper

Tractors and Heavy Earth Moving Machinery 6th Sem Auto/9331/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper                                             


Q2. Attempt any THREE questions.                                                                    3×5=15

i. Describe the factors for selection of a tractor.
ii. Describe working principle of Scrapper with neat sketch.
iii. Explain the steering mechanism used in tractors.
iv. What do you mean by wheel ballasting?
v. Explain draft control system used in tractor with neat sketch.
vi. Discuss about final drive used in tractor briefly.
vii. Explain with neat sketch about cranes and its types.


Q2. Attempt any ONE question.                                                       1×10=10

Q2. Explain the construction and working of Bulldozer.
Q3. Explain Tractor stability and tractor rollover, with diagrams..
Q4. a) Classify the tractors based on different categories.
       b) Discuss about tractor stability and weight distribution.

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery May 2019 6th Sem Diploma Paper

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Section A :Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery FEB 2021 Automobile 6th Sem Paper

Describe the factors for selection of a tractor.

Factors for selection of a tractor.

Describe working principle of Scrapper with neat sketch.

Working principle of Scrapper 

Explain the steering mechanism used in tractors.

Steering mechanism used in tractors.

What do you mean by wheel ballasting?

Wheel ballasting

Explain draft control system used in tractor with neat sketch.

Draft control system used in tractor.

Discuss about final drive used in tractor briefly.

Final drive used in tractor briefly.

Explain with neat sketch about cranes and its types.

Neat sketch about cranes and its types.

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery Feb 2021 6th Sem Paper Click Here

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery FEB 2021 6th Sem Paper

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Section B :-Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery FEB 2021 Automobile 6th Sem Paper

Explain the construction and working of Bulldozer.

Construction and working of Bulldozer.

 Explain Tractor stability and tractor rollover, with diagrams..

Tractor stability and tractor rollover, with diagrams..

 Classify the tractors based on different categories.

 Classify  tractors based on different categories.

Discuss about tractor stability and weight distribution.

Tractor stability and weight distribution.

Tractors & Heavy Earth Moving Machinery Feb 2021 6th Sem Paper Contact Us
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