Tool Engineering 5th Sem/Prod/5508/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Tool Engineering 5th Sem/Prod/5508/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper. Download Previous year solved diploma question paper of Tool Engineering 5th Sem/Prod/5508/Feb 2021.

Tool Engineering 5th Sem/Prod/5508/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper


Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    5×6=3

i. What are gauges? Explain Go and Not Go gauges.
ii. What do you mean by tool life?
iii. Explain the main parts of a Die set with the help of neat sketch.
iv. Explain the centre of pressure in press working
v. Explain the Swinging leaf type jig.
vi. Draw single point cutting tool and explain its different angles.
vii. Explain minimum diameter of piercing.


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

a. Explain “Six point location” principle in detail.
b. Explain the principle of metal cutting. How clearance is provided in punching and blanking operations.
c. Explain tool life and tool wear
d. Define cutting force and how it is reduced in cutting operations.

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Section A:-Tool Engineering 5th Sem/Prod/5508/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

What are gauges? Explain Go and Not Go gauges.

Gauges. Explain Go and Not Go gauges.

What do you mean by tool life?

Tool life.

Explain the main parts of a Die set with the help of neat sketch.

Main parts of a Die set with the help of neat sketch.

Explain the centre of pressure in press working

Centre of pressure in press working

Explain the Swinging leaf type jig.

Swinging leaf type jig.

Draw single point cutting tool and explain its different angles.

single point cutting tool and explain its different angles.

Explain minimum diameter of piercing.

Minimum diameter of piercing.

Tool Engineering 5th Sem/Prod/5508/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper Click Here

Tool Engineering 5th Sem/Prod/5508/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section B :-Tool Engineering 5th Sem/Prod/5508/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Explain “Six point location” principle in detail.

“Six point location” principle in detail.

Explain the principle of metal cutting. How clearance is provided in punching and blanking operations.

Principle of metal cutting. How clearance is provided in punching and blanking operations.

Explain tool life and tool wear

Tool life and tool wear

Define cutting force and how it is reduced in cutting operations.

Cutting force and how it is reduced in cutting operations.

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