Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th Sem ME/RAC/5307 May 2017 PAPER

Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th Semester ME/5307/ RAC/MAY 2017 PAPER


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                  10×1.5=15

   a) Otto cycle is also known as _______________
   b) __________ Water is used for boilers.
   c) The centrifugal pump work under __________ process.
   d) Babcock and Wilcox boiler is a ___________ tube boiler.
   e) During an Isentropic process ________ is constant.
   f) Specific volume is a ___________ property.
   g) The value of molar gas constant is _____________
   h) Conduction mainly occur in ______________
   i) The gas law apply to ___________ gases only.
   j) One gram moles of all gases occupy a volume of _________ at NTP.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

    a. Explain Charles law.
    b. What is steady flow process?
    c. What do you understand by steam generator or boiler?
    d. Define first law of thermodynamics.
    e. Compare a fire tube boiler and a water tube boiler.
    f. Differentiate between reversible and irreversible processes.
   g. Compare a reciprocating air compressor with a rotary compressor.
   h. Explain the difference between dry steam and wet steam.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  a. A vessel of capacity 4m3 has 16 kg of an ideal gas having molecular mass of 44 at a temperature of 25°C. Find the pressure of gas in bar.
  b. Explain construction and working of Babcock and Wilcox boiler with a neat sketch.
  c. What are the processes involved in a Carnot cycle? Derive an expression for the thermal efficiency of the Carnot cycle.
  d. Explain the following:
    (i) Otto cycle
    (ii) Fourier law
  e. Explain two methods of heat transfer in gases, liquids and solids.

Thermo dynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/ 5307/RAC/ Dec 2018 PAPER

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Section a Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/may 2017 PAPER

Otto cycle is also known as _______________

Otto cycle is also known as _______________

 __________ Water is used for boilers.

 __________ Water is used for boilers.

The centrifugal pump work under __________ process.

The centrifugal pump work under __________ process.

Babcock and Wilcox boiler is a ___________ tube boiler.

Babcock and Wilcox boiler is a ___________ tube boiler.

During an Isentropic process ________ is constant.

During an Isentropic process ________ is constant.

Specific volume is a ___________ property.

Specific volume is a ___________ property.

The value of molar gas constant is _____________

The value of molar gas constant is _____________

Conduction mainly occur in ______________

Conduction mainly occur in ______________

The gas law apply to ___________ gases only.

The gas law apply to ___________ gases only.

One gram moles of all gases occupy a volume of _________ at NTP.

One gram moles of all gases occupy a volume of _________ at NTP.

Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/RAC/ May 2017 PAPER Click Here

Section B :Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/may 2017 PAPER

Explain Charles law.

Charles law.

What is steady flow process?

Steady flow process.

What do you understand by steam generator or boiler?

Steam generator or boiler.

Define first law of thermodynamics.

First law of thermodynamics.

Compare a fire tube boiler and a water tube boiler.

Compare a fire tube boiler and a water tube boiler.

Differentiate between reversible and irreversible processes.

Explain Differentiate between reversible and irreversible processes.

Compare a reciprocating air compressor with a rotary compressor.

Compare a reciprocating air compressor with a rotary compressor.

Explain the difference between dry steam and wet steam.

Difference between dry steam and wet steam.

Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/RAC/ May 2017 Paper Click Here

Thermo dynamics-1 TD-1 4th Sem ME/ 5307/RAC/ MAY 2017 PAPER

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Section c :- Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/may 2017 PAPER

 A vessel of capacity 4m3 has 16 kg of an ideal gas having molecular mass of 44 at a temperature of 25°C. Find the pressure of gas in bar.

Vessel of capacity 4m3 has 16 kg of an ideal gas having molecular mass of 44 at a temperature of 25°C. Find the pressure of gas in bar.

Explain construction and working of Babcock and Wilcox boiler with a neat sketch.

Construction and working of Babcock and Wilcox boiler with a neat sketch.

What are the processes involved in a Carnot cycle?

 Carnot cycle Processes


Derive an expression for the thermal efficiency of the Carnot cycle.

Expression for the thermal efficiency of the Carnot cycle.

Explain the Explain the following: (i) Otto cycleollowing: (i) Otto cycle

Short Note on 
(i) Otto cycle
(ii) Fourier law

Explain two methods of heat transfer in gases, liquids and solids.

Two methods of heat transfer in gases, liquids and solids.

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