Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th Sem/ME/5307/Dec 2016 Diploma Paper

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Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/RAC/ Dec 2016 PAPER


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                  10×1.5=15

   a. Temperature is a __________ property.
   b. The fuel mostly used in the boiler is ___________.
   c. First law of thermodynamics refers to conservation of ______________ .
   d. The centrifugal pump works under _________ system.
   e. In thermosetting process _________ is constant.
   f. In isothermal process _______ is constant.
   g. The three modes of heat transfer are ________ . , _________ and _____ .
   h. Pressure cooker is an example of _________ system.
   i. The internal energy of perfect gas does not change during _______ process.
   j. Free expansion is a ________ process.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

   1. Define Boyel’s and Charle’s law.
  2. What is steady flow process?
  3. Explain internal energy and enthalpy.
  4. Differentiate fire tube boiler and water tube boiler.
  5. Explain second law of thermodynamics.
  6. Write a short note on Mollier diagram.
  7. Explain triple point of a pure substance.
  8. What are various modes of heat transfer?
  9. What are the various fuels used in boilers?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

   Q3. Derive an expression for work done for the following processes:   10 Marks
       1) Isothermal expansion 2) polytropic expansion
   Q4. Write short notes on any two:       5×2=10 Marks
       1) Closed system and open system
       2) Specific heat
       3) Zeroth law of themodynamics
  Q5. Derive an expression for standard efficiency of an Otto cycle.  Marks 10
  Q6. What are the various processes involved in Carnot cycle? Derive an expression for the thermal efficiency of the Carnot cycle.    Marks 10
  Q7. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of reciprocating compressor in detail.   Marks 10

Thermo dynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/ 5307/RAC/ Dec 2016 PAPER

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Section a Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/Dec 2016 PAPER

Temperature is a __________ property.

Temperature is a __________ property.

The fuel mostly used in the boiler is ___________.

The fuel mostly used in the boiler is ___________.

First law of thermodynamics refers to conservation of _____________.

First law of thermodynamics refers to conservation of ______________ .

The centrifugal pump works under _________ system.

The centrifugal pump works under _________ system.

In thermosetting process _________ is constant.

In thermosetting process _________ is constant.

In isothermal process _______ is constant.

In isothermal process _______ is constant.

The three modes of heat transfer are ________ . , _________ and ____________ .

The three modes of heat transfer are ________ . , _________ and ____________ .

Pressure cooker is an example of _________ system.

Pressure cooker is an example of _________ system.

The internal energy of perfect gas does not change during _______ process.

The internal energy of perfect gas does not change during _______ process.

Free expansion is a ________ process.

Free expansion is a ________ process.

Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/RAC/ Dec 2016 PAPER Click Here

Section B :Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/Dec 2016 PAPER

Define Boyle’s and Charle’s law.

Boyle’s Law and Charle’s law.

What is steady flow process?

Steady flow process.

Explain internal energy and enthalpy.

Internal energy and enthalpy.

Differentiate fire tube boiler and water tube boiler.

Comparison fire tube boiler and water tube boiler.

Explain second law of thermodynamics.

Second law of thermodynamics.

Write a short note on Mollier diagram.

Short note on Mollier diagram.

Explain triple point of a pure substance.

Triple point of a pure substance.

What are various modes of heat transfer?

Various modes of heat transfer.

What are the various fuels used in boilers?

Various fuels used in boilers.

Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/RAC/ Dec 2016 Paper Click Here

Thermo dynamics-1 TD-1 4th Sem ME/ 5307/RAC/ Dec 2016 PAPER

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Section c :- Thermodynamics-1 TD-1 4th SemME/5307/Dec 2016 PAPER

Derive an expression for work done for the following processes: 10 1) Isothermal expansion 2) polytropic expansion

Expression for work done for the following processes:
1) Isothermal expansion                             

2) polytropic expansion

Write short notes on any two:  1) Closed system and open system 2) Specific heat 3) Zeroth law of themodynamics

Short notes on any two: 
1) Closed system and open system
2) Specific heat
3) Zeroth law of themodynamics

Derive an expression for standard efficiency of an Otto cycle.

Expression for standard efficiency of an Otto cycle.

What are the various processes involved in Carnot cycle? Derive an expression for the thermal efficiency of the Carnot cycle.

Various processes involved in Carnot cycle

Expression for the thermal efficiency of the Carnot cycle.

Explain with neat sketch the working principle of reciprocating compressor in detail.

Working principle of reciprocating compressor.

What are the requirements of a good trap? Explain different traps in use.

1.Requirements of a good trap

2.Explain different traps in use.

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