Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/9851/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper For Batch 2018 Onwards
Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/9851/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper For Batch 2018 Onwards
Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                  5×6=30
i. Define back sight, intermediate sight and foresight?
ii. What are base line, check line and tie line of chain surveying?
iii. What is the principle of chain surveying?
iv. Write advantages and disadvantages of plane table survey?
v. What is compass surveying? Where it is suitable?
vi. What is difference between prismatic and surveyor compass?
vii. Define Whole Circle Bearing and Quadrantal Bearing
viii. What is ideal and well-conditioned triangle?
Q3. Attempt any one question.                            1×10=10
a. Explain accessories used in plane table surveying in detail.
b. Explain the traversing method of plane table surveying.
c. What is local attraction? How you can detect and write the remedies for local attraction.
d. Explain direct and indirect ranging of chain surveying.
Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/9851/Feb 2021Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection A:-Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/9851/Feb 2021Diploma Paper
Define back sight, intermediate sight and foresight?Back sight, intermediate sight and foresight.
Base line, check line and tie line of chain surveying.
Principle of chain surveying.
Advantages and disadvantages of plane table survey.
Compass surveying and Where it is suitable.
Difference between prismatic and surveyor compass.
Whole Circle Bearing and Quadrantal Bearing
Ideal and well-conditioned triangle.
Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/9851/Feb 202 Diploma Paper Click Here
Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/9851/Feb 2021Diploma Paper
Get Started c :-Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/9851/Feb 2021Diploma Paper
Explain accessories used in plane table surveying in detail.Accessories used in plane table surveying in detail.
Traversing method of plane table surveying.
Local attraction and How you can detect and write the remedies for local attraction.
Direct and indirect ranging of chain surveying.