Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/0515/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/0515/Feb 2021Diploma Paper

Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/0515/Feb 2021Diploma Paper


Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    5×6=30

i. What is the work of surveyor?
ii. How the chaining can be done on sloping ground?
iii. Differentiate b/w prismatic and surveyor compass?
iv. What is magnetic and true meridian?
v. What are the temporary adjustments of a level?
vi. Define back sight, intermediate sight and foresight?
vii. Write advantages and disadvantages of plane table survey?


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

Q2. Explain two point problems in detail.
Q3. Explain the intersection method of plane table surveying.
Q4. Explain in detail the operations involved in chain surveying.
Q6. Explain in detail the errors in leveling.

Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/0515/Feb 2021Diploma Paper

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Section A:-Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/0515/Feb 2021Diploma Paper

What is the work of surveyor?

Work of surveyor.

How the chaining can be done on sloping ground?

Chaining can be done on sloping ground

Differentiate b/w prismatic and surveyor compass?

Differentiate b/w prismatic and surveyor compass.

What is magnetic and true meridian?

Magnetic and true meridian.

What are the temporary adjustments of a level?

Temporary adjustments of a level.

Define back sight, intermediate sight and foresight?

Back sight, intermediate sight and foresight.

Write advantages and disadvantages of plane table survey?

Advantages and disadvantages of plane table survey.

Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/0515/Feb 202 Diploma Paper Click Here

Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/0515/Feb 2021Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Surveying-I 3rd Sem/Civil/0515/Feb 2021Diploma Paper

Explain two point problems in detail.

Two point problems in detail.

Explain the intersection method of plane table surveying.

Intersection method of plane table surveying.

Explain in detail the operations involved in chain surveying.

Operations involved in chain surveying.

Explain in detail the errors in leveling.

Errors in leveling.

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