Steel Structures Design Civil 6th Sem/5130/May 2015 Paper

6th Diploma Exam/Civil/5130/May 2015

STEEL STRUCTURES DESIGN 6th Exam/Civil/5130/May 2015


Q1. (a) Fill in the blanks:                                                                                  15 X 1 = 15

  1. Fe 410-S is designated for Standard quality steel grade of Steel.
  2. Gross diameter of the rivet is the diameter of the hole.
  3. A line of rivets parallel to meeting edges of the members is called row of rivets.
  4. In welded joints, if size of weld is S, then the effective throat thickness is = 7S
  5. Net area of the connected leg of single ISA is given by the relation=[length of leg-thickness/2-nd]

(b)  State True or False

  1. Effective length l= 7 L to 0.85 L for continuous strut member. (True)
  2. Columns with both ends fixed have effective length = 65L. (True)
  3. Vertical stiffeners, in a plate girder, are required when d/t ratio > 85.(True)
  4. If the nominal diameter of rivet is 28 mm then the gross diameter will become 29.5 mm.   (False)
  1. Minimum size of weld recommended for 8 mm thick plate is (False)

(c)  Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. For the same depth of member, the heavier section is
    • a) ISWB (b) ISLB (c) ISMB (d) ISHB  

         Ans –  (d)

  1. For Power Driven Field Rivets, the value of shearing stress in N/mm2 is (a) 80 (b) 90      (c) 100     (d) 270  

        Ans-  (b)                                               

  1. For structures under fatigue stress, the preferred joint is
    • Riveted (b) welded     (c) both    (d) none of

         Ans- (a)

  1. If fY is the minimum yield stress(in N/mm2) , then the permissible tensile  stress is  given by the relation

(a) 0.4 fY    (b) 0.5 fY    (c) 0.6 fY   (d) 0.7 fY

 Ans- (c)

  1. In a roof truss, the roofing material is supported by
    • Bottom chord (b) purlins (c) principal rafter (d) none of

         Ans-  (b)


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30


  1. Explain degree of indeterminacy with suitable Example ?
  2. Draw a neat sketch showing the following terms: (i) Row of rivets (ii) Staggered pitch (iii) Edge distance
  1. Why thickness of plate is taken as least of two plates, for strength calculations?
  2. Give disadvantages of welded joints when compared to riveted
  3. Give utility of plug and slot weld in welded
  4. Why net sectional area is increased more in riveting than in welding, to get the gross area of tension members?
  5. Give IS: 800 specifications for tacking rivets, to be used in compression
  6. Explain any two factors governing the selection for the type of roof
  7. Write the assumptions in the theory of simple bending in case of flexural
  8. How would you differentiate between web buckling and web crippling in  case  of rolled steel beams?
  9. How depth and width of a brick wall foundation is
  10. Differentiate between lap joint and butt Joint ?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. Two plates 12mm and 10 mm thick are joined by a triple riveted lap joint. Find the suitable pitch for the outer row of rivets if the pitch for central row of rivets is half of the pitch for outer rows. Take allowable (safe) tensile stress =150 N/mm2. Use Power Driven Shop Also find the efficiency of the joint.
  2. Design a T-section to act as a tension member carrying an axial load  of 220  Draw a neat sketch of the riveted end connection.
  3. Design a single angle discontinuous strut for a roof truss carrying a compressive load of 80kN. The length of the strut in between centre to centre is 3.5 m. Also design welded end connection using 8mm thick gusset
  4. Design a suitable I- section for a steel column to carry an axial load of The effective length of the column is 6m. Assume safe compressive stress = 80 N/mm2.
  5. Write short notes on: a) Important considerations in fabrication and erecting of steel structures b) Use of vertical and horizontal stiffeners in plate girders.

STEEL STRUCTURES DESIGN 6th Exam/Civil/5130/May 2015

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6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2015

Fe 410-S is designated for ___________ grade of Steel.

Fe 410-S is designated for Standard quality steel grade of Steel.


Gross diameter of the rivet is the diameter of the ______.

Gross diameter of the rivet is the diameter of the hole.

A line of rivets parallel to meeting edges of the members is called _________

A line of rivets parallel to meeting edges of the members is called row of rivets.


In welded joints, if size of weld is S, then the effective throat thickness is = _____

In welded joints, if size of weld is S, then the effective throat thickness is = 7S


Net area of the connected leg of single ISA is given by the relation = _________

Net area of the connected leg of single ISA is given by the relation=[length of leg-thickness/2-nd]

(b)  State True or False

(b)  State True or False

Effective length l= 7 L to 0.85 L for continuous strut member.


Columns with both ends fixed have effective length = 65L.



Vertical stiffeners, in a plate girder, are required when d/t ratio > 85.



If the nominal diameter of rivet is 28 mm then the gross diameter will become 29.5 mm.



Minimum size of weld recommended for 8 mm thick plate is 5 mm.



(c)  Multiple Choice Questions:
For the same depth of member, the heavier section is a) ISWB (b) ISLB (c) ISMB (d) ISHB  

 Ans –  (d)


For Power Driven Field Rivets, the value of shearing stress in N/mm2 is (a) 80 (b) 90      (c) 100     (d) 270  

Ans-  (b)                                

For structures under fatigue stress, the preferred joint is     a) Riveted (b) welded     (c) both (d) none of these

Ans- (a)Riveted 

If fY is the minimum yield stress(in N/mm2) , then the permissible tensile  stress is  given by the relation (a) 0.4 fY    (b) 0.5 fY    (c) 0.6 fY   (d) 0.7 fY


 Ans- (c) 06.fY

In a roof truss, the roofing material is supported by a)Bottom chord (b) purlins (c) principal rafter (d) none of these

Ans-  (b) Purlins

6th Diploma Exam/Civil/5130/May 2019 PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2015 .

6th Diploma /Civil/5130/May 2019

Explain degree of indeterminacy with suitable Example ?

Degree of indeterminacy with suitable Example 

Draw a neat sketch showing the following terms: (i) Row of rivets (ii) Staggered pitch (iii) Edge distance

(i) Row of rivets

(ii) Staggered pitch

(iii) Edge distance

Why thickness of plate is taken as least of two plates, for strength calculations?



Give disadvantages of welded joints when compared to riveted Joint



Give utility of plug and slot weld in welded



Why net sectional area is increased more in riveting than in welding, to get the gross area of tension members?



Give IS: 800 specifications for tacking rivets, to be used in compression



Explain any two factors governing the selection for the type of roof



Write the assumptions in the theory of simple bending in case of flexural members
How would you differentiate between web buckling and web crippling in  case  of rolled steel beams?
How depth and width of a brick wall foundation is decided
Differentiate between lap joint and butt Joint 

Differentiate between lap joint and butt Joint 

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6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2015

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6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2015

Two plates 12mm and 10 mm thick are joined by a triple riveted lap joint. Find the suitable pitch for the outer row of rivets if the pitch for central row of rivets is half of the pitch for outer rows. Take allowable (safe) tensile stress =150 N/mm2. Use Power Driven Shop Also find the efficiency of the joint.



Design a T-section to act as a tension member carrying an axial load  of 220  Draw a neat sketch of the riveted end connection.
Design a single angle discontinuous strut for a roof truss carrying a compressive load of 80kN. The length of the strut in between centre to centre is 3.5 m. Also design welded end connection using 8mm thick gusset
Design a suitable I- section for a steel column to carry an axial load of The effective length of the column is 6m. Assume safe compressive stress = 80 N/mm2.
Write short notes on: a) Important considerations in fabrication and erecting of steel structures b) Use of vertical and horizontal stiffeners in plate girders.

a) Important considerations in fabrication and erecting of steel structures

b) Use of vertical and horizontal stiffeners in plate girders.

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STEEL STRUCTURES DESIGN 6th Exam/Civil/5130/May 2019

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6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2019

According to IS 800:1984, Maximum Permissible tensile stress in Steel Sections is ______× fy.

According to IS 800:1984, Maximum Permissible tensile stress in Steel Sections is 0.6× fy.

In IS 800: 1984, Symbol fy represents ____________ stress in Steel.

In IS 800: 1984, Symbol fy represents minimum yield stress in Steel.

For 28mm diameter rivet, the diameter of rivet hole will be ________

For 28mm diameter rivet, the diameter of rivet hole will be 28+2=30mm.


Sectional area of “ISLC 150 @ 141.3 N/m” is _______ mm²

Sectional area of “ISLC 150 @ 141.3 N/m” is 1836 mm².

For 75° Fusion Angle the Effective throat thickness of 6mm welds is ____ mm.

For 75° Fusion Angle the Effective throat thickness of 6mm welds is 2 mm.

Maximum pitch in rivets shall not exceed _______.

Maximum pitch in rivets shall not exceed 30t or 300mm.

Increase in carbon content in steel cause  _________.

Increase in carbon content in steel cause  decrease ductility.

ΣV = 0, ΣH = 0 and ΣM = 0 are called ________.

ΣV = 0, ΣH = 0 and ΣM = 0 are called equations of equilibrium.

In plate girder Bearing stiffeners are provided at ________.

In plate girder Bearing stiffeners are provided at the support.

Zero bending stress occurs at _________ of Beam.

Zero bending stress occurs at neutral axis of Beam.

b) State True or False.


Beam is a flexural Member.


For Power Driven Shop Rivets (PDSR) allowable shear stress is 100N/mm².


Minimum Pitch Distance in Rivets shall be two times of rivet.


Brittle Failure is not possible in Welding. 



Strut is a member subjected to an axial Pull. 


6th Diploma Exam/Civil/5130/May 2019 PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2019 .

6th Diploma /Civil/5130/May 2019

Draw neat and labeled sketches of Lap Joint, Single Cover Butt Joint & Double cover Butt Joint with Riveted Connections.

Lap Joint, Single Cover Butt Joint & Double cover Butt Joint with Riveted Connections.

Calculate minimum numbers of rivets required to connect a 14mm thick steel flat with a 12mm thick gusset plate to support an axial pull of 230kN for shop fabrication. Also Specify Diameter of Rivets.
What are purlins ?


Differentiate between Clear Span, Effective Span & Total span of a beam with the help of sketches.
What are disadvantages of welding?

Disadvantages of welding

What are laterally restrained beams? Explain with Sketches ?


How depth of Masonry wall foundation is decided?

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