Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Exam/Civil/2517/May’19

Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/2517/May’19 Diploma PSBTE Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                                                           15×1=15

      i. Soil are derived from _______________
     ii. _________ is defined as ratio of volume of voids to the total volume.
    iii. The water content at which soil changes from liquid state to plastic state is              known as _____________
    iv. ___________ is valid if the flow through soil is laminar.
     v. The effective stress is an ____________ quantity.
    vi. The upward movement of soil is known as ___________________
   vii. The property of soil which enables the soil mass to resist sliding along                      internal surface is called ________- .
   viii. Voids of soil mass _____________ during compaction.
    ix. The plate load test is used to determine ______________________
    x. Sample collected by auger boring is _______________________
     b) State True or False.
    xi. Clay particles can be seen with naked eyes.
    xii. Black cotton soils of India are residual soil deposits.
    xiii. Shear strength of a soil is independent of magnitude and mode of                                 application of load.
    xiv. Maximum compaction is attained at OMC
     xv. Net safe bearing capacity and ultimate bearing capacity are same.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

      a. Define degree of saturation and water content.
      b. What are the effects of shape of particles of soil on engineering properties               of soil?
      c. Write a short note on seepage velocity.
      d. What is the importance of effective stress?
      e. Write a short note on settlement due to construction operation.
      f. What are the factors contributing to shear strength of soil?
      g. State the necessity of compaction for the soil.
      h. Explain briefly the concept of bearing capacity
      i. What is soil exploration? What is its aim?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

     i. Explain in detail the unconfined compression test. Give sketch of the                          apparatus and write how it works.
      ii. What are the duties of embankment supervisor in relation to compaction?
     iii. Explain in detail presentation of soil investigation result.
     iv. What are the various factors affecting depth of shallow foundation?                          Discuss them.
     v. What are the types of shallow foundation and their suitability?

Reinforced Concrete Design 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma Paper

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Section a Reinforced Concrete Design 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma Paper

Soil are derived from  _______________  _________ is defined as ratio of volume of voids to the total volume. The water content at which soil changes from liquid state to plastic state is known as _____________  ___________ is valid if the flow through soil is laminar. The effective stress is an ____________ quantity. The upward movement of soil is known as ___________________ The property of soil which enables the soil mass to resist sliding along internal surface is called ________. Voids of soil mass _____________ during compaction. The plate load test is used to determine ______________________ Sample collected by auger boring is _______________________ Clay particles can be seen with naked eyes. xii. Black cotton soils of India are residual soil deposits.T/F Shear strength of a soil is independent of magnitude and mode of application of load.T/F Maximum compaction is attained at OMC.T/F Net safe bearing capacity and ultimate bearing capacity are same.T/F
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Section B :Reinforced Concrete Design 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma Paper

Define degree of saturation and water content.

Degree of saturation and water content.

What are the effects of shape of particles of soil on engineering properties of soil?

Effects of shape of particles of soil on engineering properties of soil

Write a short note on seepage velocity.

Short note on seepage velocity.

What is the importance of effective stress?

Importance of effective stress

Write a short note on settlement due to construction operation.

Short note on settlement due to construction operation.

What are the factors contributing to shear strength of soil?

Factors contributing to shear strength of soil

State the necessity of compaction for the soil.

Necessity of compaction for the soil.

Explain briefly the concept of bearing capacity

Concept of bearing capacity

What is soil exploration? What is its aim?

Soil exploration and its aim?

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Reinforced Concrete Design 5th Sem/Civil/ May 2019 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Reinforced Concrete Design 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma Paper

Explain in detail the unconfined compression test. Give sketch of the apparatus and write how it works.

Unconfined compression test. apparatus and write how it works.

What are the duties of embankment supervisor in relation to compaction?

Duties of embankment supervisor in relation to compaction

Explain in detail presentation of soil investigation result.

Presentation of soil investigation result.

What are the various factors affecting depth of shallow foundation? Discuss them.

Factors affecting depth of shallow foundation

What are the types of shallow foundation and their suitability?

Types of shallow foundation and their suitability

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