Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Exam/Civil/2517/May’17

Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/2517/May 2017 Diploma PSBTE Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                                                           15×1=15

    i. Silts is ________ grained soil.
   ii. For fully saturated soil degree of saturation is ___________
   iii. The method of arranging soil into different groups is termed as _________
   iv. The degree of plasticity sand is ____________________
   v. Clay soil is termed as __________ In terms of permeability
  vi. When the sand particles starting boiling by the upward flow of water, the condition is termed as _______________
  vii. For purely cohesive soils, the angle of shearing resistance is ______________
  viii. The shear strength equation was proposed by _______________
    ix. During compaction the voids of a soil mass _________________
   x. If the water table rises below the foundation, then bearing capacity of soil ___

State True or False:-
    xi. The compaction process decreases the compressibility of soil.
   xii. The Cohesion less soils have less bearing capacity then cohesive soils.
   xiii. Sand drains are infect weak piles used to stabilize soil.
   xiv. Raft footing is a deep foundation
    xv. Sheep foot rollers are recommended for compacting cohesion less soil.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

      i. With the help of phase diagram state the following terms ;
(a) void ratio (b) porosity (c) degree of saturation
ii. Define atterbergs limits Explain their use & practical significance.
iii. Define permeability. Give its concept
iv. Define Swelling creep, and heaving,
v. Explain maximum dry density and optimum water content.
vi. Give the concept of shallow and deep foundation.
vii. Define Pile foundation Explain its necessity.
viii. Define soil exploration. State its purpose.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

    i. Explain the factors which effect permeability of soil.
   ii. Describe the various methods of compacting soils.
  iii. How will you determine the bearing capacity of soil by SPT?
   iv. Define well foundation. Explain its necessity and also draw with neat sketch.

Soil & Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/2517/May’18 Diploma Paper

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Section a Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Sem /Civil/May 2017 Diploma Paper

Silts is ________ grained soil. For fully saturated soil degree of saturation is ______________ The method of arranging soil into different groups is termed as _________________ The degree of plasticity sand is ____________________ Clay soil is termed as __________ In terms of permeability. When the sand particles starting boiling by the upward flow of water, the condition is termed as _______________ For purely cohesive soils, the angle of shearing resistance is ______________ The shear strength equation was proposed by _______________ During compaction the voids of a soil mass _________________ If the water table rises below the foundation, then bearing capacity of soil ___________________ The compaction process decreases the compressibility of soil.T/F The Cohesion less soils have less bearing capacity then cohesive soils.T/F Sand drains are infect weak piles used to stabilize soil.T/F Raft footing is a deep foundation.T/F  Sheep foot rollers are recommended for compacting cohesion less soil.T/F
Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Sem/Civil/2517/May’17 Diploma Paper Click Here

Section B :Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/2517/May’17 Diploma Paper

With the help of phase diagram state the following terms ; (a) void ratio (b) porosity (c) degree of saturation

Phase diagram state the following terms ;
(a) void ratio

(b) porosity

(c) degree of saturation

Define atterbergs limits Explain their use & practical significance

Atterbergs limits Explain their use & practical significance.

Define permeability. Give its concept.

Permeability and its concept.

Define Swelling creep, and heaving,

Swelling creep, and heaving,

Explain maximum dry density and optimum water content.

Maximum dry density and optimum water content.

Give the concept of shallow and deep foundation.

Concept of shallow and deep foundation.

Define Pile foundation Explain its necessity.

Pile foundation and its necessity.

 Define soil exploration. State its purpose.

Soil exploration. State its purpose.

Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Sem/Civil/2517/May’17 Diploma Paper Click Here

Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/2517/ May’17 Diploma PSBTE Paper

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Section c :-Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/2517/May’17 Diploma Paper

Explain the factors which effect permeability of soil.

Factors which effect permeability of soil.

Describe the various methods of compacting soils.

Various methods of compacting soils.

How will you determine the bearing capacity of soil by SPT?

Determine the bearing capacity of soil by SPT

Define well foundation. Explain its necessity and also draw with neat sketch.

Well foundation and its necessity 

What are the types of shallow foundation and their suitability?

Types of shallow foundation and their suitability

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