Relational Database Management System RDBMS May 2017 CSE/IT Diploma Paper

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Relational Database Management System RDBMS May 2017 CSE/IT Diploma Paper


Q1. Fill in the blanks.                                                      15×1=15

i. Full form of BCNF is ______________.
ii. The set of all possible values an attribute can have is called its __________ .
iii. Draw the symbol for entity and derived attribute.
iv. An __________ diagram represents the overall logical structure of a database in a graphical form.
v. Define cardinality?
vi. _____________ command is used to take back privileges from the user.
vii. Name any one DBMS.
viii. Write the syntax of UPDATE command with example.
ix. SQL is a non-procedural language. (T/F) 
x. Commit means save the work done. (T/F) 


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

i. What is data independence? Differentiate between logical and physical data independence?
ii. Explain various types of relationships among entities?
iii. What are various integrity constraints? Explain.
iv. Define transaction? List the various properties of a transaction?
v. Define the following terms
a) Primary key
b) Entity
c) Schema
vi. Briefly describe the different kinds of users of DBMS?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

i. Discuss the various advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.
ii. What is normalization? Explain the 1st and 2nd normal forms with example?
iii. Explain the architecture of DBMS.
iv. Explain the various data types used in SQL?

Relational Database Management System RDBMS May 2017 CSE/IT Diploma PSBTE Solved Paper


Q1. Fill in the blanks.                                                      15×1=15

i. Full form of BCNF is Boyce–Codd Normal Form .
ii. The set of all possible values an attribute can have is called its Domain .
iii. Draw the symbol for entity and derived attribute.
iv. An Entity Relationship diagram represents the overall logical structure of a database in a graphical form.
v. Define cardinality?
vi. REVOKE command is used to take back privileges from the user.
vii. Name any one DBMS.

Sol. 1.Oracle  2.MySQL. 

viii. Write the syntax of UPDATE command with example.

Sol. UPDATE table_name SET column_name = value [, column_name = value …]
ix. SQL is a non-procedural language. (T/F)

x. Commit means save the work done. (T/F)


Relational Database Management System RDBMS Dec 2018 CSE/IT Diploma Paper

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Section aRelational Database Management System RDBMS MAY 2017 CSE/IT Diploma Paper

Full form of BCNF is _______________________

Full form of BCNF is Boyce–Codd Normal Form .

The set of all possible values an attribute can have is called its __________

The set of all possible values an attribute can have is called its Domain .

Draw the symbol for entity and derived attribute.
An ______________ diagram represents the overall logical structure of a database in a graphical form.

 An Entity Relationship diagram represents the overall logical structure of a database in a graphical form.

Define cardinality?


________ command is used to take back privileges from the user.

REVOKE command is used to take back privileges from the user.

Name any one DBMS.

Sol. 1.Oracle  2.MySQL. 

Write the syntax of UPDATE command with example.

Syntax of UPDATE command with example.

Sol. UPDATE table_name SET column_name = value [, column_name = value …]

SQL is a non-procedural language. (T/F)


Commit means save the work done. (T/F)


RDBMS May 2017 CSE/IT Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Section B :Relational Database Management System RDBMS may 2017 CSE/IT Diploma Paper

What is data independence? Differentiate between logical and physical data independence?

Data independence.

Differentiate between logical and physical data independence.

Explain various types of relationships among entities?

Types of relationships among entities.

What are various integrity constraints? Explain.

Various integrity constraints.

Define transaction? List the various properties of a transaction?

Transaction and various properties of a transaction.

Define the following terms a) Primary key b) Entity c) Schema

a) Primary key
b) Entity
c) Schema

Briefly describe the different kinds of users of DBMS?

Different kinds of users of DBMS.

RDBMS 3rd Semester CSE May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

RDBMS 3rd Semester CSE MAY 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section c :-RDBMS 3RD Sem CSE MAY 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

Discuss the various advantages and disadvantages of DBMS ?

Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.

What is normalization? Explain the 1st and 2nd normal forms with example?


Explain the 1st and 2nd normal forms 

Explain the architecture of DBMS.

Architecture of DBMS.

Explain the various data types used in SQL?

Various data types used in SQL.

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