REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 5th Sem/Mech/6853/Feb 2021 (For 2018 batch onwards) Diploma Paper

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(For 2018 batch onwards) Diploma paper 

REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 5th Sem/Mech/6853/Feb 2021 (For 2018 batch onwards) Diploma Paper


Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    5×6=3

i. Define moist air, wet bulb depression and dew point temperature.
ii. Discuss the functions of condenser in a refrigeration system.
iii. Explain the effect of discharge pressure on the performance of vapour compression system.
iv. List various factors affecting optimum effective temperature.
v. Write the advantages of vapour absorption system over vapour compression system.
vi. Differentiate between water-cooled and air-cooled condenser.
vii. Write the properties of ideal refrigerant.
viii. Discuss the various sources of heat load.


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

a. Draw labeled psychrometric chart and explain briefly.
b. Draw a neat diagram of simple ammonia absorption refrigeration system and explain its working.
c. Explain the working of automatic expansion valve with the help of neat sketch.
d. Describe Bell Coleman air cycle and obtain an expression for COP of the cycle.

REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 5th Sem/Mech/6853/Feb 2021 (For 2018 batch onwards) Diploma Paper


Section A:-REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 5th Sem/Mech/6853/Feb 2021 (For 2018 batch onwards) Diploma Paper

Define moist air, wet bulb depression and dew point temperature

Moist air, wet bulb depression and dew point temperature.

Discuss the functions of condenser in a refrigeration system.

Functions of condenser in a refrigeration system.

Explain the effect of discharge pressure on the performance of vapour compression system.

Effect of discharge pressure on the performance of vapour compression system.

List various factors affecting optimum effective temperature.

Factors affecting optimum effective temperature.

Write the advantages of vapour absorption system over vapour compression system.

Advantages of vapour absorption system over vapour compression system.

Differentiate between water-cooled and air-cooled condenser.

Differentiate between water-cooled and air-cooled condenser.

Write the properties of ideal refrigerant.

Properties of ideal refrigerant.

Discuss the various sources of heat load.

Various sources of heat load.

AUTO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENT 5th Sem/Auto/2693/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper Click Here

REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 5th Sem/Mech/6853/Feb 2021 (For 2018 batch onwards) Diploma Paper


Section B :-REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 5th Sem/Mech/6853/Feb 2021 (For 2018 batch onwards) Diploma Paper

Draw labeled psychrometric chart and explain briefly.

Psychrometric chart 

Draw a neat diagram of simple ammonia absorption refrigeration system and explain its working.

simple ammonia absorption refrigeration system 

Explain the working of automatic expansion valve with the help of neat sketch.

Working of automatic expansion valve with the help of neat sketch.

Describe Bell Coleman air cycle and obtain an expression for COP of the cycle.

Bell Coleman air cycle and obtain an expression for COP of the cycle.

AUTO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENT 5th Sem/Auto/2693/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper  Contact Us

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