Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING RAC 5th /Mech/5321/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                  5×6=3
i. Explain the effect of sub-cooling with the help of p-h diagram.
ii. When used as refrigerant, state the properties of the following:
iii. Carbon Dioxide- CO2 (R-744)(b) Ammonia-NH3 (R-717)
iv. Explain the working of flood evaporator with the help of a neat sketch.
v. Write comparison between water cooled condenser and air cooled condenser?
vi. Write the advantages of vapour absorption system over vapour compression system
vii. Define: a) Percentage Humidity or Degree of Saturation b) Latent Heat and Its Types
Q3. Attempt any one question.                            1×10=10
a. What do you mean by effective temperature? Explain the factors which affect the effective temperature.
b. Describe briefly i) Cooling dehumidification ii) Infiltration
c. Draw the PV and TS diagram of Bell Coleman Cycle and derive an expression of its COP.
d. Describe briefly the principle and working of a vapour compression system.
REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING RAC 5th /Mech/5321/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection A:-REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING RAC 5th /Mech/5321/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Explain the effect of sub-cooling with the help of p-h diagram.Explain the effect of sub-cooling with the help of p-h diagram.
When used as refrigerant, state the properties of the following:
Carbon Dioxide- CO2 (R-744)(b) Ammonia-NH3 (R-717)
Working of flood evaporatorÂ
Write comparison between water cooled condenser and air cooled condenser
Advantages of vapour absorption system over vapour compression system
a) Percentage Humidity or Degree of Saturation b) Latent Heat and Its Types
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REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING RAC 5th /Mech/5321/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Get Started c :-REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING RAC 5th /Mech/5321/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
What do you mean by effective temperature? Explain the factors which affect the effective temperature.Effective temperature
factors which affect the effective temperature.
i) Cooling dehumidification
ii) Infiltration
PV and TS diagram of Bell Coleman Cycle and derive an expression of its COP.
Principle and working of a vapour compression system.
Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper Contact Us
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