Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/Dec 2016 Paper

Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/Dec 2016 Diploma PSBTE Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                                                           15×1=15

   (i) The railways are the _____ as compared to other modes of transportation.
  (ii) __________ Gauge is known as Standard gauge of the world.
  (iii) The superelevation is provided by raising the __________ Of the sleeper.
  (iv) The curves provided at the change of gradient is called _____________
   (v) A culvert has a span usually less than ____________
  (vi) The walls constructed at an acute angle with the abutments at both of their ends are known as ___________
  (vii) An abutment of a bridge serves both as pier and ____________
  (viii) The best shape of tunnel to be used for carrying a road or railway track is __________ section.
  (ix) The size of tunnels depends upon the __________ and volume of traffic.
   (x) The most common system of signaling in India is ______________
   (b) State True or False
    i. Points and crossings are provided for change gradient on permanent ways.
   ii. A bridge crossing the drain not at right angle is called skew bridge.
   iii. The natural ventilation system of tunnels is commonly used.
   iv. Scouring increases the stability of bridge.
    v. Welding of rails decreases their life.


Q2. Write short note on any six:         6X5=30

    i. What are the advantages of bearing plates?.
   ii. What are the fuctions of ballast?
  iii. List types of sleepers and requirments of good sleeper.
  iv. What are the requirements of an ideal crossing and also draw the sketch showing the component parts of a crossing.
   v. What is the necessity of providing ventilation in tunnels ?Also describe the different methods of ventilation.
   vi. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tunnels?
  vii. What factors taken into consideration for deciding the location of a bridge?
  viii. Define Wing walls and Abutments of a bridge. Also describe the functions.
  ix. What are the advantages of Track maintenance?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

    i. What are the requirements of an ideal Permanent way track? List out its component parts.
   ii. Explain the details of construction of a tunnel in soft rock by needle beam method. Also describe the precautions to be observed during work?
  iii. Explain the classification of the bridge according to high flood level,span length and Alignment.
  iv. What are the factors which affects the rail route?Describe the various gauges prevalent in India.

Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/ dec 2016 Diploma PSBTE Paper

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Section a Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/dec 2016 Diploma PSBTE Paper

The railways are the ___________ as compared to other modes of transportation.  __________ Gauge is known as Standard gauge of the world. The superelevation is provided by raising the __________ Of the sleeper. The curves provided at the change of gradient is called __________ A culvert has a span usually less than ____________ The walls constructed at an acute angle with the abutments at both of their ends are known as ___________ An abutment of a bridge serves both as pier and ____________ The best shape of tunnel to be used for carrying a road or railway track is __________ section. The size of tunnels depends upon the __________ and volume of traffic. The most common system of signaling in India is ______________ Points and crossings are provided for change gradient on permanent ways.T/F A bridge crossing the drain not at right angle is called skew bridge.T/F The natural ventilation system of tunnels is commonly used.T/F iv. Scouring increases the stability of bridge.T/F Scouring increases the stability of bridge.T/F  Welding of rails decreases their life.T/F
Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/Dec 2016 Diploma Paper Click Here

Section B :Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/dec 2016 Diploma PSBTE Paper

What are the advantages of bearing plates?.

Advantages of bearing plates.

What are the fuctions of ballast?

Fuctions of ballast.

List types of sleepers and requirments of good sleeper.

Types of sleepers and requirments of good sleeper.

 What are the requirements of an ideal crossing and also draw the sketch showing the component parts of a crossing.

Requirements of an ideal crossing and also draw the sketch showing the component parts of a crossing.

What is the necessity of providing ventilation in tunnels ?Also describe the different methods of ventilation.

Necessity of providing ventilation in tunnels.

Describe the different methods of ventilation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tunnels?

Advantages and disadvantages of tunnels.

What factors taken into consideration for deciding the location of a bridge?

Factors taken into consideration for deciding the location of a bridge.

Define Wing walls and Abutments of a bridge. Also describe the functions.

Wing walls and Abutments of a bridge and its functions.

 What are the advantages of Track maintenance?

Advantages of Track maintenance.

Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/Dec 2016 Diploma Paper Click Here

Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/ May 2015 Diploma PSBTE Paper

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Section c :-Railways ,Bridges and Tunnels RBT 5th Sem/Civil/DEC 2016 Diploma PSBTE Paper

What are the requirements of an ideal Permanent way track? List out its component parts.

Requirements of an ideal Permanent way track and its component parts.

Explain the details of construction of a tunnel in soft rock by needle beam method. Also describe the precautions to be observed during work?

Construction of a tunnel in soft rock by needle beam method.

Describe the precautions to be observed during work.

Explain the classification of the bridge according to high flood level,span length and Alignment.

Classification of the bridge according to high flood level,span length and Alignment.

What are the factors which affects the rail route?Describe the various gauges prevalent in India.

Factors which affects the rail route

Describe the various gauges prevalent in India.

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