Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of RAC APPLICATIONS 6th Sem/RAC/5425/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

RAC APPLICATIONS 6th Sem/RAC/5425/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper


Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    5×6=3

a. Write a note on refrigeration in civil works.
b. Discuss the construction details of condenser fixing and expansion device in domestic refrigerator.
c. Explain the different types of ice.
d. What are the requirements of good air conditioner?
e. Discuss the commonly used method for food preservation.
f. Explain the service box refrigeration.
g. Write a note on deep freezers.
h. Write the applications of air conditioning in restaurant and dancing hall.


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

a. Write down the properties and uses of china clay, leather, baklite, ebonite
b. Explain construction and working of cupola with neat diagram.
c. Explain in detail Iron- Carbon diagram.

Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section A:-Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Write a note on refrigeration in civil works.

Refrigeration in civil works.

Discuss the construction details of condenser fixing and expansion device in domestic refrigerator.

Construction details of condenser fixing and expansion device in domestic refrigerator.

Explain the different types of ice

Different types of ice.

What are the requirements of good air conditioner?

Requirements of good air conditioner.

Discuss the commonly used method for food preservation.

Commonly used method for food preservation.

Explain the service box refrigeration

Service box refrigeration.

Write a note on deep freezers.

Deep freezers.

Write the applications of air conditioning in restaurant and dancing hall.

Applications of air conditioning in restaurant and dancing hall.

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Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Automotive Material 3rd Sem Exam/Auto/3893/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Write down the properties and uses of china clay, leather, baklite, ebonite

Properties and uses of china clay, leather, baklite, ebonite

Explain construction and working of cupola with neat diagram.

Construction and working of cupola with neat diagram.

Explain in detail Iron- Carbon diagram.

Iron- Carbon diagram.

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