Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2017 Diploma Paper

Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2017 Diploma Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15     

    a. The attendance of the laborers\’ is recorded daily in _____________
    b. The loss in the value of the property due to structural deterioration is called _________
    c. The amount submitted by contractor as a guarantee of tender is called ____________
    d. Number of bricks required for 1 Cu.m brick masonry is _____________
    e. One bag of cement= ______ kg.  

b) State the unit of measurement for the following:-

    f. White washing
    g. Wash basin (size specified)
    h. Dado
     i. Welding
     j. Half brick wall
    k. Flooring
     l. Drain
    m. Steel work
    n. Glass Panes
    o. Supply of timber


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30   
  a. Find out the dry material for 1cu.m brick masonry in cement sand mortar 1:5.
b. Define an estimate. Give its importance or objectives. Name the various types of estimate.
c. Write a note on Analyses of rates.
d. Find out the dry material required for 1cu.m cement concrete 1:2:4.
e. What do you mean by tender?
f. Distinguish clearly between preliminary estimate and detailed estimate
g. Explain the principles of valuation.
h. Define contractor. What are essential qualifications of a contractor?
i. Write a short note on depreciation of buildings.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

     Q3 Prepare a preliminary estimate of a building having plinth area equal to 2000 sq.m. Given that:-
      (a) Plinth area rate – Rs. 2100/- per sq.
      (b) Extra for Architectural work – 1½% of the building cost.
      (c) Extra for Electrical Installation (10%), + Water supply and sanitary                            installations (6%) = 10+6=16% of the building cost.
      (d) Extra for other services- 8% of the building cost.
      (e) Contingencies and supervision charges 10%.Workout the analyses of rates for cement concrete 1:4:8 in foundation. Labour for 10cu.m cement concrete is 1 mason @ Rs. 450/- per day, 15 mazdor @ Rs. 250/- , 2 Bhisti @ Rs. 200/- per day. Rate of material:- cement bag Rs. 300/-, Sand Rs. 800/- per cu.m, Course aggregate (bazri) 1000/- per cu.m.

Q4. Define valuation. Give the purpose of valuation. State and explain the various method of valuation.

Q5 What is contract? Explain the different type of contract.

Work out the cost of earth work for a portion of a road from Rd 0 to Rd 90 meters from the following dates


N.S. level

Filling or Banking














The formulation is in a downward gradient of 1 in 30. Formulation width is 10 meters and side slope 2:1(Horizontal: Vertical) Rate of earthwork is Rs. 425.00% cu.m

    Q6 Work out the quantity of following items from the given drawing:-
        1. Excavation for foundation
        2. Cement concrete 1:6:18 in foundation
        3. Mud masonry in foundation and plinth
       4. Mud masonry in super structure

Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2017 Diploma Solved Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15     

    a. The attendance of the laborers\’ is recorded daily in _____________
    b. The loss in the value of the property due to structural deterioration is called _________
    c. The amount submitted by contractor as a guarantee of tender is called ____________
    d. Number of bricks required for 1 Cu.m brick masonry is _____________
    e. One bag of cement= ______ kg.  

b) State the unit of measurement for the following:-

    f. White washing
    g. Wash basin (size specified)
    h. Dado
     i. Welding
     j. Half brick wall
    k. Flooring
     l. Drain
    m. Steel work
    n. Glass Panes
    o. Supply of timber

Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/ May 2017 Diploma Paper

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Section a applied Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2017 Diploma Solved Question Paper

The attendance of the laborers\’ is recorded daily in _____________ The loss in the value of the property due to structural deterioration is called _____________ The amount submitted by contractor as a guarantee of tender is called _____________ Number of bricks required for 1 Cu.m brick masonry is _____________  One bag of cement= ______ kg. The attendance of the laborers\’ is recorded daily in _____________ The loss in the value of the property due to structural deterioration is called _________  The amount submitted by contractor as a guarantee of tender is called _______ Number of bricks required for 1 Cu.m brick masonry is _____________ One bag of cement= ______ kg.   State the unit of measurement for f. White washing Give the unit of measurement for g. Wash basin (size specified) What are the unit of measurement for h. Dado Give the unit of measurement for  i. Welding State the unit of measurement for  j. Half brick wall Give the unit of measurement for  k. Flooring State the unit of measurement for   l. Drain What are the unit of measurement for  m. Steel work State the unit of measurement for   n. Glass Panes What are the unit of measurement for o. Supply of timber
Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2017 Diploma Paper Click Here

Section B :Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May\’17

Find out the dry material for 1cu.m brick masonry in cement sand mortar 1:5.

Calculate the dry material for 1cu.m brick masonry in cement sand mortar 1:5.

Define an estimate. Give its importance or objectives. Name the various types of estimate.

Estimate its importance or objectives.

Name the various types of estimate.

Write a note on Analyses of rates.

Short note on Analyses of rates.

Find out the dry material required for 1cu.m cement concrete 1:2:4.

Calculate the dry material required for 1cu.m cement concrete 1:2:4.

What do you mean by tender?

Define Tender

Distinguish clearly between preliminary estimate and detailed estimate

Compare between preliminary estimate and detailed estimate

Explain the principles of valuation.

Principles of valuation.

Define contractor. What are essential qualifications of a contractor?

Contractor and essential qualifications of a contractor

Write a short note on Depreciation and Muster Roll.

Short note on Depreciation and Muster Roll.

Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil/May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Quantity Surveying & Valuation 6th Sem/Civil /May 2017 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Quantity Surveying & Valuation Civil/May 2017 Paper

Prepare a preliminary estimate of a building having plinth area equal to 2000 sq.m. Workout the analyses of rates per cu.m for Brick work 1:4 cement sand mortar in superstructure. Define an estimate. Give its importance or objectives. Name the various types of estimate.

Estimate and its importance or objectives

Name the various types of estimate.

What is contract? Explain the different type of contract.

Contract and different type of contract.

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