Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Personal Computer Organization PCO ECE 5th Sem Dec 2016 Paper
Personal Computer Organization PCO ECE 5th Sem Dec 2016 Question Paper
Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                       15×1=15   Â
    a. ATX stands for _________________
    b. PCI stands for __________________
    c. USB is used to transfer parallel data. (T/F)
    d. A serial port normally has ________ pins.
    e. Secondary storage in computers in of non-volatile nature. (T/F)
    f. A sector typically contains _______ bytes.
    g _______ Keypad is available at right hand side of the keyboard.
    h. PS/2 connectors are used to connect ________ and ______ to the system.
    i. DVST stands for ____________
    j. Parallel ports are much faster than serial ports. (T/F)
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30
   a. What do you understand by the form factor of a motherboard?
   b. Define the characteristics of a system bus.
   c. Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
   d. Explain floppy disk controller in brief.
   e. Explain various mouse faults.
   f. Compare a computer monitor with a television.
   g. What do you understand by impact and non-impact printing?
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                            3×10=30
   a. Explain RS-232 interface by explaining all signals and their functions.
   b. Draw and explain the block diagram of keyboard controller.
   c. What do you understand by impact and non-impact printers? Write down advantages and                disadvantages of each.
   d. Explain the following.
     i) Digitizer      ii) Centronics interface
Personal Computer Organization PCO ECE 5th Sem Dec 2016 Solved Question Paper
Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                       10×1.5=15   Â
    a. ATX stands for _________________
    b. PCI stands for __________________
    c. USB is used to transfer parallel data. (T/F)
    d. A serial port normally has ________ pins.
    e. Secondary storage in computers in of non-volatile nature. (T/F)
    f. A sector typically contains _______ bytes.
    g _______ Keypad is available at right hand side of the keyboard.
    h. PS/2 connectors are used to connect ________ and ______ to the system.
    i. DVST stands for ____________
    j. Parallel ports are much faster than serial ports. (T/F)
Personal Computer Organization PCO ECE 5th Sem dec 2016 Question Paper
Get StartedSection a Personal Computer Organization PCO ECE 5th Sem dec 2016 Question Paper
ATX stands for _________________ PCI stands for __________________ USB is used to transfer parallel data. (T/F) A serial port normally has ________ pins. Secondary storage in computers in of non-volatile nature. (T/F) A sector typically contains _______ bytes. Â _______ Keypad is available at right hand side of the keyboard. PS/2 connectors are used to connect ________ and ______ to the system. DVST stands for ____________ Parallel ports are much faster than serial ports. (T/F)Personal Computer Organization PCO ECE 5th Sem Dec 2016 Question Paper Click Here
Section B :Personal Computer Organization PCO ECE 5th Sem dec 2016 Question Paper
What do you understand by the form factor of a motherboard?Form factor of a motherboard
Characteristics of a system bus.
Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
Floppy disk controller in brief.
Various mouse faults.
Compare a computer monitor with a television.
impact and non-impact printing
Personal Computer Organization PCO ECE 5th Sem Dec 2016 Question Paper Click Here
Personal Computer Organization PCO ECE 5th Sem DEC 2016 Question Paper
Get Started c :-Personal Computer Organization PCO ECE 5th Sem May 2019 Question Paper
Explain the block diagram of motherboard in detail.Block diagram of motherboard in detail.
RS-232 standard interface.
Construction and working principle of laser printer.
Block diagram explain the working of a CRT.
a. Solid State Displays.
Centronic Interface.
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