Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Semester Diploma May 2017 Paper

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2017 Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks.                                                                                                              15×1=15

  1. The wavelength range for optical fiber communication 800 nm to 1550 nm .
  2. On the basis of mode of wave propagation, the optical fibers are divided in Single and Multimode Fiber .
  3. The modal dispersion is zero in Single Mode type of optical.
  4. The attenuation losses are measured in terms of dB or Decibel. .
  5. Mie scattering losses always occurs in Core-Cladding Refractive index Variation over the length of optical fiber.
  6. Term LASER stands for Light amplification Stimulated Emission of Radiations.
  7. An optical light detector converts Light signal into Electrical Signal .
  8.  TWA stands for Traveling Wave Amplifier.
  9. A LED is a Non-Coherent Source of Light.
  10. The refractive index of core is Greater than Cladding.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. Explain the basic communication system. What are the advantages of optical fiber communication?
  2. Explain the single mode step index and graded index Fiber.
  3. Explain the following as:  a) Numerical Aperature  b) Total internal reflection.
  4. Explain the difference between LED and LASER ?
  5. What do you mean by optical splicing? Explain the fusion splicing Method ?
  6. Explain the optical power Budget ?
  7. Write the shirt note on: a) Spontaneous emission b) Stimulated emission


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=3

  1. Draw and explain the principal of operation of injection laser
  2. Explain the intrinsic and extrinsic absorption losses in optical fiber with Diagrams ?
  3. What is scattering losses? Explain Rayleigh scattering and Mie scattering
  4. Draw and explain FPA and EDFA ?
  5. What do you mean by optical fiber connectors? What are the properties of good connector? Explain expanded beam Connector ?

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2017 Paper

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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2015 Paper

The wavelength range for optical fiber communication ______

The wavelength range for optical fiber communication 800 nm to 1550 nm

On the basis of mode of wave propagation, the optical fibers are divided in ________

On the basis of mode of wave propagation, the optical fibers are divided in Single and Multimode Fiber .

The principle of light propagation in optical fibre is based on _______

The modal dispersion is zero in Single Mode type of optical.


The modal dispersion is zero in…………. type of optical

The attenuation losses are measured in terms of dB or Decibel. 


The attenuation losses are measured in terms of __________

Mie scattering losses always occurs in Core-Cladding Refractive index Variation over the length of optical fiber.


Mie scattering losses always occurs in _______

Term LASER stands for Light amplification Stimulated Emission of Radiations.


Term LASER stands for ________

LASER Stands for Light Amplification Stimulated Emission of Radiations .

An optical light detector converts ………. signal into ________.

An optical light detector converts Light signal into Electrical Signal .


 TWA stands for  _____

 TWA stands for Traveling Wave Amplifier.


A LED is a……….. source of Light.

A LED is a Non-Coherent Source of Light.


The refractive index of core is ___________.

The refractive index of core is Greater than Cladding.

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2019 Solved Paper Click Here

Section B :Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2019 Paper

Explain the Basic communication system. What are the advantages of optical fiber communication ?

Basic communication system.

Advantages of optical fiber communication?

Explain the single mode step index and graded index Fiber

single mode step index and graded index Fiber.


Explain the following as:  a) Numerical Aperature  b) Total internal reflection.

a) Numerical Aperature 

b) Total internal reflection.


Explain the difference between LED and LASER ?

Difference between LED and LASER 


What do you mean by optical splicing? Explain the fusion splicing Method ?

optical splicing

fusion splicing Method


Explain the optical power Budget ?

optical power Budget 


Write the shirt note on: a) Spontaneous emission b) Stimulated emission

a) Spontaneous emission

b) Stimulated emission

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2017 Paper Click Here

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2017 Paper

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Section c :-Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2015 Paper

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Optical Fiber Communication.

Advantages and disadvantages of Optical Fiber Communication.

List the various types of LED’s. Discuss the various types of LED structures

 Types of LED and its structures.


Describe Optical Power Budgeting ?

Optical Power Budgeting 


What is the need of an Optical Amplifier? Discuss SOA.

Need of an Optical Amplifier

Discuss SOA Amplifier


Explain the different types of losses in Optical Fibre Communication.

Different types of losses in Optical Fibre Communication.

Write short notes on (any two)

short notes on (any two)


Effect of dispersion on data Rate
  1. Effect of dispersion on data Rate
2.Whats is WDM



3.Historical perspective of Optical Communication

  3. Historical perspective of Optical Communication

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