Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Open Source Technologies OST 5th Sem/IT/CSE/2629/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Open Source Technologies OST 5th Sem/COMP/IT/CSE/2629/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                         5×6=30
a. Write down the various characteristics of open source software.
b. Explain structure of LINUX system.
c. Write a note on vi editor modes.
d. Explain various communication commands in linux.
e. What is My SQL? Explain the purpose of My SQL.
f. What is difference between open source and proprietary software?
g. Explain different types of shell briefly.
h. Discuss the concept of DHCP.
Q3. Attempt any one question.                            1×10=10
a. Explain construction and working of Avalanche photodiode (APD) with diagram.
b. What is optical power budgeting. How it is helpful in designing fiber optical system. Explain in detail.
c. Explain the construction and working principle of laser diode with neat diagram.
d. Write a short note on i) Dispersion in fiber optics ii) Wavelength division multiplexing
Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma Feb 2021 Paper
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Write down the various characteristics of open source software.Various characteristics of open source software.
Structure of LINUX system.
vi editor modes.
Communication commands in linux.
My SQL and purpose of My SQL.
Difference between open source and proprietary software.
Different types of shell.
Concept of DHCP.
Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma Feb 2021Â Paper Click Here
Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma Feb 2021 Paper
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What is filter? Explain any 5 filters with example.Filter. Explain any 5 filters with example.
Shell. Explain Bourne shell, Korn shell and C shell.
 a) Apache Server b) PHP
Linux commands
man, mkdir, pwd, grep, cp, sort, cd, cal, head, tail, ls, rm, mv, who, wc