Non-Conventional Energy Resources EE-5th Sem May 2018 Diploma Paper

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Non-Conventional Energy Resources 5th Sem EE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

      a. The __________ power plants do not require any fuel.
      b. In thermoelectric converters, __________ is directly converted into electrical energy.
      c. Modern Solar cells are made of __________.
      d. The capital cost of hydro-electric plant is _______ than that of diesel power plant.
      e. Pelton turbine uses __________ energy of water and is suitable for _____ heads.
      f. _______ is produced by thermal degradation of biomass.
      g. Wind power is suitable for ___________ and _________ sized plants.
       h. Tidal energy utilizes ________ of water.
       i. Geo means ________  and thermal means __________.
       j. Fuel cells convert chemical energy directly into _________


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

      i. What are the primary and secondary energy resources? Explain with examples.
     ii. Explain the principle of conversion of solar energy into heat.
     iii. Give a classification of small hydro power plants.
     iv. What are the advantages of MHD technology?
      v. What is the difference between biomass and biogas?
      vi. Name all the main factors taken into consideration in the WECS site selection.
      vii. Define geothermal resources and briefly classify them.
     viii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a fuel cell?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

      a. Explain the construction and working principle of any two:
         i) Solar Water Heater ii) Solar Furnaces iii) Solar Water Pump iv) Solar Cooker
      b. Discuss power generation by using gasifiers.
      c. Describe open cycle and closed cycle of Magneto Hydro Dynamics generator.
      d. Classify various types of OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) plants.
      e. Write a short note of any two:
           i) See back and Peltier thermoelectric affect ii) Figure of merit
           iii) Lead acid battery iv) Working principle of a fuel cell

Non-Conventional Energy Resources 5th Sem EE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section a Non-Conventional Energy Resources 5th Sem EE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

The main source of biogas is ___________

The main source of biogas is Methane (CH4).

The ________ plants do not require any fuel.

The Hydro plants do not require any fuel.

Solar cell convert _______ of solar radiation into direct current electricity

Solar cell convert Heat of solar radiation into direct current electricity

________ generators has low maintenance

Gas generators has low maintenance

__________ Is conversion of solid biomass into a producer gas

Biomass Is conversion of solid biomass into a producer gas

The biomass resources are _______ & ___________

The biomass resources are Methane (CH4) & Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Two type of wind machines are _________ type & ______ type wind machines.

Two type of wind machines are Savounius type & Gasification type wind machines.

________ Rotor mills are high velocity wind mills

Water Rotor mills are high velocity wind mills

OTEC system use intermediate working fluid

OTEC system use intermediate working fluid Sea Water.

E.M.F of fully charged Ni-Cd cell is _____________

E.M.F of fully charged Ni-Cd cell is 1.2 V

Non-Conventional Energy Resources 5th Sem May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Section B :Non-Conventional Energy Resources 5th Sem EE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

What are the primary and secondary energy resources? Explain with examples.

Primary and secondary energy resources

Explain the principle of conversion of solar energy into heat.

Principle of conversion of solar energy into heat.

Give a classification of small hydro power plants.

Classification of small hydro power plants.

What are the advantages of MHD technology?

Advantages of MHD technology

What is the difference between biomass and biogas?

Difference between biomass and biogas

Name all the main factors taken into consideration in the WECS site selection.

Main factors taken into consideration in the WECS site selection.

Define geothermal resources and briefly classify them.

Geothermal resources 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a fuel cell?

Advantages and disadvantages of a fuel cell

Non-Conventional Energy Resources 5th Sem May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Non-Conventio nal Energy Resources 5th Sem EE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section c :-cs-2 5th Sem CSE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

Explain the construction and working principle of  i) Solar Water Heater Explain the construction and working principle of  ii) Solar Furnaces Explain the construction and working principle of  iii) Solar Water Pump Explain the construction and working principle of   iv) Solar Cooker

Explain the construction and working principle of   iv) Solar Cooker

Discuss power generation by using gasifiers.

Power generation by using gasifiers.

Describe open cycle and closed cycle of Magneto Hydro Dynamics generator.

Open cycle and closed cycle of Magneto Hydro Dynamics generator.

Classify various types of OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) plants.

Types of OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) plants.

Write a short note of  See back and Peltier thermoelectric affect

Short note of See back and Peltier thermoelectric affect 

ii) Figure of merit

Figure of merit

iii) Lead acid battery 

Lead acid battery 

iv) Working principle of a fuel cell

Working principle of a fuel cell

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