Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/Dec 2018 Paper
Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/Dec 2018 PSBTE Diploma Question Paper
   Q1. a) Expand the following acronyms.      10×1.5=15
    i. VPN
   ii. RAID
   iii. IDS
   iv. TCP
   v. PGP
   b) Fill in the blanks.
   vi. __________ protocol is similar to SSL.
   vii. Conversion of plain text into cipher text is called an ____________ .
   viii. _____________ is the most common authentication mechanism.
    ix. Firewall is a specialized form of a ____________________ .
    x. LAN stands for ________________________ .
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30
  a. What is the need for Cyber Law?
  b. What is Digital Signature?
  c. How secure conversation is done through public key cryptography?
  d. What is Trojan horse? What is the principal behind it?
  e. What is Denial of Services attack?
  f. What are different types of Hackers?
  g. What do you mean by Network Security?
  h. What is Encryption and Decryption?
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                            3×10=30
    i. Write short notes the following. (any two)
     a. Digital Signature
     b. Data Encryption Standard
     c. RSA Encryption
   ii. What are technical aspects of Cyber Law Indian perspectives (IT Act 2000)
   iii. What is cryptography? Explain various types of algorithms for                  cryptography. Differentiate between Symmetric and asymmetric                algorithm.
   iv. What is Computer Virus? Explain different types of viruses in detail.
   v. What is Intrusion Detection System? Explain various types of IDS in detail.
Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/DEC 2018 PSBTE Diploma Question Paper
Get StartedSection a Network Security CSE/IT/DEC 2018 Diploma Paper
VPN stands for __________________Â VPN
Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/DEC 2018 PSBTE Diploma Question Paper Click Here
Section B :Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/DEC 2018 PSBTE Diploma Question Paper
What is the need for Cyber Law?Need for Cyber Law
What is Digital Signature?
 Digital Signature
How secure conversation is done through public key cryptography?
How secure conversation is done through public key cryptography
 What is Trojan horse? What is the principal behind it?
Trojan horse and principal behind it
What is Denial of Services attack?
 Denial of Services attack
What are different types of Hackers?
Different types of Hackers
What do you mean by Network Security?
Network Security
What is Encryption and Decryption?
Encryption and Decryption?
Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/May 2018 PSBTE Diploma Question Paper Click Here
Network Security CSE/IT/May 2018 Diploma Paper
Get Started c :-Network Security CSE/IT/DEC 2018 Diploma Paper
Write short notes the a. Digital SignatureShort notes the a. Digital Signature
b. Data Encryption Standard
Data Encryption Standard
c. RSA Encryption
RSA Encryption
What are technical aspects of Cyber Law Indian perspectives (IT Act 2000)
Technical aspects of Cyber Law Indian perspectives (IT Act 2000)
What is cryptography? Explain various types of algorithms for cryptography. Differentiate between Symmetric and asymmetric algorithm.
Cryptography and various types of algorithms for cryptography.
Differentiate between Symmetric and asymmetric algorithm.
What is Computer Virus? Explain different types of viruses in detail.
Computer Virus and different types of viruses in detail.
What is Intrusion Detection System? Explain various types of IDS in detail.
Intrusion Detection System and various types of IDS
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