Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Multimedia System Design 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper
Multimedia System Design 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper
Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                       10×1.5=15   Â
   a. Tiff stands for __________________ .
   b. Compression reduces the size of the file.(T/F)
   c. Laser printer is non impact printer.(T/F)
   d. _________ is the sketches out the content screen by screen
   e. _____________ is a method of using authoring tools.
   f. Bitmaps are used to store ________ scan.
   g. Flash is multimedia software (T/F).
   h. What is plotter?
   i. Pixel stands __________ .
   j. SCSI is a storage device.(T/F)
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30 Â
   i. What are the different types of printers?
   ii. What is compression? Write down the difference between lossy and             loseless compressions?
  iii. Explain steps to capture image using camera.
   iv. What is story writing board? Explain
   v. What do you mean by multimedia? What are its components?
   vi. What are the different steps of project planning?
  vii. Discuss the role of communication devices in multimedia
  viii. Write features of director.
   ix. Write characteristics of good multimedia system designing tools?
   x. What are hypermedia, hypertext and hyperlink?
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                            3×10=30
    a. Write applications of Multimedia?
    b. Write image file formats in detail?
    c. What do you mean by authoring tools? Explain.
    d. Write short note on: i) GUI ii) Director iii) Script writing
    e. Write use of communication devices in multimedia? Explain any two            communication devices?
Multimedia System Design 6th Sem dec 2018 Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection a Multimedia System Design 6th Sem dec 2018 Paper
Tiff stands for __________________ . Compression reduces the size of the file.(T/F) Laser printer is non impact printer.(T/F) _________ is the sketches out the content screen by screen _____________ is a method of using authoring tools. Bitmaps are used to store ________ scan. Flash is multimedia software (T/F). Â What is plotter? Pixel stands __________ . SCSI is a storage device.(T/F)Multimedia System Design 6th Sem Dec 2018 Diploma Paper Click Here
Section B :Multimedia System Design 6th Sem DEC 2018 Paper
What are the different types of printers?Different types of printers
What is compression? Write down the difference between lossy and loseless compressions?
Difference between lossy and loseless compressions
Explain steps to capture image using camera.
Steps to capture image using camera.
What is story writing board? Explain
Explain Story writing board
What do you mean by multimedia? What are its components?
Multimedia and its components
What are the different steps of project planning?
Different steps of project planning
Discuss the role of communication devices in multimedia
Role of communication devices in multimedia
Write features of director.
Features of director.
 Write characteristics of good multimedia system designing tools?
Characteristics of good multimedia system designing tools
x. What are hypermedia, hypertext and hyperlink?
Hypermedia, hypertext and hyperlink
Multimedia System Design 6th Sem Dec 2018 Paper Click Here
Multimedia System Design 6th Sem dec 2018 Diploma Paper
Get Started c :-Multimedia System Design 6th Sem dec 2018 Paper
Write applications of Multimedia?Applications of Multimedia
Write image file formats in detail?
image file formats in detail
What do you mean by authoring tools? Explain.
Explain authoring tools
Write short note on: i) GUI
Short note on: i) GUIÂ
Write a short note on the following. Â Â i) Goals DefinitionShort note on ii) DirectorÂ
Short Note on iii) Script writing Script writing
Write use of communication devices in multimedia? Explain any two communication devices?
Use of communication devices in multimediaÂ
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