Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Multimedia System Design 6th Sem Dec 2017 Diploma Paper

Multimedia System Design 6th Sem Dec 2017 Diploma Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             10×1.5=15       

      a. MPEG stands for __________.
      b. Flash memory is a ________ type of memory.
      c. Multimedia is a medium with multiple content.
      d. LCD Stands For _______________
      e. ___________ is the sketches out the content screen by screen.
      f. Icon based programs are ___________ to learn than scripting programs.
      g. RAW formats provide high resolution image.
      h. Raster Formats store images as _______________ .
      i. Compression ______________ the size of file.
      j. Animation is a process of displaying ______________ .


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30   
      i. What is the difference between printer and plotter? Write types of printer also.
ii. What is animation? What are the different types of animation?
iii. What is compression? How many different types of compression are possible?
iv. Explain steps to capture image using scanner.
v. How to design user interfaces?
vi. Write hardware and software requirements of a multimedia system.
vii. Discuss the role of communication devices in multimedia.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

    a. What do you mean by multimedia? Write its applications?
b. Explain any three video and audio file formats in detail?
c. What do you mean by authoring tools? Explain.
d. Write short note on:
i. audio encoding techniques
ii. Director.
e. What is a display device? Write different types of display devices.

Multimedia System Design 6th Sem dec 2017 Diploma Paper

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Section a Multimedia System Design 6th Sem dec 2017 Paper

MPEG stands for __________. Flash memory is a ________ type of memory. Multimedia is a medium with multiple content. LCD Stands For _______________  ___________ is the sketches out the content screen by screen.  Icon based programs are ___________ to learn than scripting programs.  RAW formats provide high resolution image. Raster Formats store images as _______________ .  Compression ______________ the size of file.  Animation is a process of displaying ______________ .
Multimedia System Design 6th Sem Dec 2017 Diploma Paper Click Here

Section B :Multimedia System Design 6th Sem dec 2017 Paper

 What is the difference between printer and plotter? Write types of printer also.

Difference between printer and plotter

What is animation? What are the different types of animation?

Animation and different types of animation

 What is compression? How many different types of compression are possible?

Compression and  different types of compression 

 Explain steps to capture image using scanner.

Steps to capture image using scanner.

How to design user interfaces?

How to design user interfaces

 Write hardware and software requirements of a multimedia system.

Hardware and software requirements of a multimedia system.

Discuss the role of communication devices in multimedia

Role of communication devices in multimedia

Multimedia System Design 6th Sem Dec 2017 Paper Click Here

Multimedia System Design 6th Sem dec 2017 Diploma Paper

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Section c :Multimedia System Design 6th Sem dec 2017 Paper

What do you mean by multimedia? Write its applications?

Multimedia and  its applications

Explain any three video and audio file formats in detail?

Three video and audio file formats

What do you mean by authoring tools?

Authoring tools

Write short note on: i. audio encoding techniques

Short note on:
i. audio encoding techniques

Write Short Note on ii. Director.

ii. Director.

What is a display device? Write different types of display devices.

Display device and different types of display devices.

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