81Â Â Â a. MPEG stands for __________.
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30 Â
  a. What do you mean by multimedia? Write its applications?
Difference between printer and plotter
What is animation? What are the different types of animation?
Animation and different types of animation
 What is compression? How many different types of compression are possible?
Compression and different types of compressionÂ
 Explain steps to capture image using scanner.
Steps to capture image using scanner.
How to design user interfaces?
How to design user interfaces
 Write hardware and software requirements of a multimedia system.
Hardware and software requirements of a multimedia system.
Discuss the role of communication devices in multimedia
Multimedia and its applications
Explain any three video and audio file formats in detail?
Three video and audio file formats
What do you mean by authoring tools?
Authoring tools
Write short note on: i. audio encoding techniques
Short note on:
Write Short Note on ii. Director.
ii. Director.
What is a display device? Write different types of display devices.