Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper

Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2019 Diploma Question Paper


Q1. Do as directed. 15×1=15
a. PIXEL stands for ____________
b. OCR stands for ______________
c. PNG stands for ____________
d. SWF stands for _____________
e. MIDI stands for ____________
f. Name any two image editing software’s.
g. Name any two sound file formats.
h. MPEG is an audio file format. (T/F)
i. Laser printer is a non-impact printer. (T/F)
j. Compression _________ the size of a file.
k. Default extension of Photoshop image file is
l. __________ is the shortcut key to deselect a selection in Photoshop.
m. The flash files have an extension
n. ______________ is the developer of Photoshop.
o. The maximum value for a color in RGB color model is ________________


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30   
i. What do you mean by animation? What are various animation techniques?
ii. Differentiate between CD-ROM and DVD.
iii. Write difference between vector graphics and raster graphics.
iv. What is compression? What are various types of compression?
v. Explain the criteria for selecting authoring tools.
vi. What do you mean by cropping and resizing? Write steps to crop and resize and image.
vii. Write the steps to create frame by frame animation in Flash.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30                    a. What is the use of Photoshop? Explain the use of any 10 tools of Photoshop with example.
b. Explain various applications of Multimedia in detail.
c. Explain various authoring programmers in detail.
d. Explain use and working of:
i. Touch screen
ii. Laser Printer
e. Explain various multimedia file formats.

Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2019 Diploma Question Paper

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Section a Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2019 Diploma Question Paper

PIXEL stands for ____________

PIXEL stands for ____________

OCR stands for ______________

OCR stands for ______________

PNG stands for ____________

PNG stands for ____________

SWF stands for _____________

SWF stands for _____________

MIDI stands for ____________

MIDI stands for ____________

Name any two image editing software’s.

Name any two image editing software’s.

Name any two sound file formats.

Two sound file formats.

MPEG is an audio file format. (T/F)


Laser printer is a non-impact printer. (T/F)


Compression _________ the size of a file.

Compression _________ the size of a file.

Default extension of Photoshop image file is ____________

Default extension of Photoshop image file is ____________

 __________ is the shortcut key to deselect a selection in Photoshop.

 __________ is the shortcut key to deselect a selection in Photoshop.

The flash files have an extension

The flash files have an extension

______________ is the developer of Photoshop.

______________ is the developer of Photoshop.

The maximum value for a color in RGB color model is ________________

The maximum value for a color in RGB color model is ________________

Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2019 Diploma Question Paper Click Here

Section B :Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2019 Diploma Question Paper

What do you mean by animation? What are various animation techniques?

Animation and various animation techniques.

Differentiate between CD-ROM and DVD.

Comparison between CD-ROM and DVD.

Write difference between vector graphics and raster graphics.

Difference between vector graphics and raster graphics.

What is compression? What are various types of compression?

Compression and various types of compression.

Explain the criteria for selecting authoring tools.

Criteria for selecting authoring tools.

What do you mean by cropping and resizing? Write steps to crop and resize and image.

Cropping and resizing and steps to crop and resize and image.

Write the steps to create frame by frame animation in Flash.

Steps to create frame by frame animation in Flash.

Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2019 Diploma Question Paper Click Here

Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2019 Diploma Question Paper

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Section c :-Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2019 Diploma Question Paper

What is the use of Photoshop? Explain the use of any 10 tools of Photoshop with example.

Use of Photoshop

Explain the use of any 10 tools of Photoshop with example.

Explain various applications of Multimedia in detail.

Various applications of Multimedia.

Explain various authoring programmers in detail.

Various authoring programmers.

Explain use and working of: i. Touch screen

Use and working of Touch screen

Laser Printer

Laser Printer

Explain various multimedia file formats.

Multimedia file formats.

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