Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Mobile Technologies 5th Sem/CSE/0895/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Mobile Technologies 5th Sem/CSE/0895/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                  5×6=3
i. Distributed Operating Systems.
ii. Cloud Computing
iii. GSM
iv. IEEE 802.11 Frame Format
v. WWW
vi. LAN
vii. 4G and its Advantages
viii. Mobile Operating Systems
Q3. Attempt any one question.                            1×10=10
a. Write detailed note on Cellular Communication Technology
b. Write a short note on the following. i) WiMAX ii) AdHOC Networks
c. Write a short note on the following. i) CDMA ii) TCP
d. Write detailed note on Mobile Computing.
Mobile Technologies 5th Sem/CSE/0895/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection A:-Mobile Technologies 5th Sem/CSE/0895/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Differentiate between annealing and normalizing?i. Distributed Operating Systems.
ii. Cloud Computing
iii. GSM
iv. IEEE 802.11 Frame Format
v. WWW
vi. LAN
vii. 4G and its Advantages
viii. Mobile Operating Systems
Composition, properties of Duralumin.
Different types of Identification tests.
mechanical properties Strength, stiffness, elasticity, plasticity, toughness, ductility,
Physical properties Appearance, luster, colour, density and melting point.
Major applications of plastics.
Types of Protective coating materials.
Mobile Technologies 5th Sem/CSE/0895/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch) Diplom Paper Click Here
Mobile Technologies 5th Sem/CSE/0895/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Get Started b :-Mobile Technologies 5th Sem/CSE/0895/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Write detailed note on Cellular Communication TechnologyCellular Communication Technology
 i) WiMAX ii) AdHOC Networks
i) CDMA ii) TCP
Mobile Computing.