Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Microwave and Radar Engineering 6th Sem/ECE/May 2019 Paper
Microwave and Radar Engineering 6th Sem/ECE/May 2019 Diploma Question Paper
Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                       15×1=15   Â
   a. RADAR stands for ___________
   b. ______ modes does not exist in a waveguide.
   c. To couple a co-axial line to a parallel wire line, it is best to use a _______
   d. The maximum unambiguous range in a system depends on ___________
   e. A helical antenna produces _______ polarized waves.
   f. VSWR stands for ________________
   g. The line of sight communication range is limited due to ___________
   h. The uplink frequency is different from downlink frequency to avoid _________
    i. VSAT network is operated in _________ mode.
    j. Antenna reciprocity is put to use in _________ systems.
    k. __________ is a crossed field device.
    l. In a hollow rectangular waveguide the phase velocity ____with increasing frequency.
   m. PPI in a radar system stands for __________
    n. The blind speed of MTI radar can be avoided by changing the _____rotation rate.
    o. A coupling loop is placed at a point of__________ magnetic field intensity.
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30
   i. What are the advantages of microwaves over low frequency signals?
   ii. Differentiate between reflex klystron and multi cavity klystron.
   iii. Define the various elements of a basic microwave communication link.
   iv. Explain parabolic antenna in detail.
   v. Explain microwave isolator in detail with diagram.
   vi. Discuss in detail various transmission losses.
   vii. Explain the basic concept of radar display PPI.
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                            3×10=30
    a. Explain the various multiple access techniques.
    b. What is MTI radar? Explain its working principle.
    c. Explain construction and working of magnetron.
    d. What is a directional coupler? Explain directivity and coupling factor. What is the main application         of directional coupler?
    e. Write a short note on the following. (any two)
       i. Magic tee
       ii. Radar range equation
       iii. GUNN diode.
Microwave and Radar Engineering 6th Sem/ECE/May 2019 Diploma Question Solved Paper
Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                       15×1=15   Â
   a. RADAR stands for Radio Detection and Ranging .
   b. TM01 or TM10 modes does not exist in a waveguide.
   c. To couple a co-axial line to a parallel wire line, it is best to use a Balun .
   d. The maximum unambiguous range in a system depends on Pulse Repetition Time (PRT) .
   e. A helical antenna produces Circularly polarized waves.
   f. VSWR stands for Voltage Standing Wave Ratio .
   g. The line of sight communication range is limited due to Diffraction .Â
   h. The uplink frequency is different from downlink frequency to avoid _________
    i. VSAT network is operated in stand-alone mode.
    j. Antenna reciprocity is put to use in RADAR systems.
    k. Amplifier or Oscillator is a crossed field device.
    l. In a hollow rectangular waveguide the phase velocity Decrease with increasing frequency.
   m. PPI in a radar system stands for Plan Position Indicator .
    n. The blind speed of MTI radar can be avoided by changing the _____rotation rate.
    o. A coupling loop is placed at a point of__________ magnetic field intensity.
Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper
Get StartedSection a Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2019 PAPER
RADAR stands for ___________RADAR stands for Radio Detection and Ranging .
TM01 or TM10 modes does not exist in a waveguide.
To couple a co-axial line to a parallel wire line, it is best to use a Balun  Â
The maximum unambiguous range in a system depends on Pulse Repetition Time (PRT)
A helical antenna produces _______ polarized waves.A helical antenna produces Circularly polarized waves.
 VSWR stands for ________________ VSWR stands for Voltage Standing Wave Ratio .
The line of sight communication range is limited due to Diffraction .Â
The uplink frequency is different from downlink frequency to avoid _________
VSAT network is operated in stand-alone mode.
Antenna reciprocity is put to use in RADAR systems.
Amplifier or Oscillator is a crossed field device.
In a hollow rectangular waveguide the phase velocity Decrease with increasing frequency.
PPI in a radar system stands for Plan Position Indicator .
The blind speed of MTI radar can be avoided by changing the _____rotation rate.
A coupling loop is placed at a point of__________ magnetic field intensity.
Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here
Section B :Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2019 PAPER
What are the advantages of microwaves over low frequency signals?Advantages of microwaves over low frequency signals
Differentiate between reflex klystron and multi cavity klystron.
Elements of a basic microwave communication link.
Parabolic antenna in detail.
Microwave isolator in detail with diagram.
Various transmission losses.
Basic concept of radar display PPI.
Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here
Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2019 PAPER
Get Started c :-Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2019 PAPER
Explain the various multiple access techniques.Various multiple access techniques.
MTI radar its working principle.
Construction and working of magnetron.
Directional coupler?
Explain directivity and coupling factor.
Main application of directional coupler
Short note on theÂ
i. Magic tee
ii.Radar range equation
Short Note on iii. GUNN diode.
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