Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Microwave and Radar Engineering 6th Sem/ECE/May 2018 Question Paper

Microwave and Radar Engineering 6th Sem/ECE/May 2018 Diploma Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

     a. VHF ranges between _____ to _________
     b. VSWR stands ________________
     c. UHF stands ________________
     d. PIV means ______________________
     e. TWT stands the _________________tube.
     f. V Antenna is used in ________________ .
    g. Refraction stands ___________________
    h. On the transmitting end the antenna emits the microwave signal from the transmission line into free          space.(T/F)
     i. MUF means _____________________________
    j. Waveguide used to link the _________ and __________ .


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

       i. What do mean by Microwave also explain the applications of microwave?
      ii. Draw and explain the Magnetron.
     iii. Write the applications of Radar.
     iv. Explain about the Waveguide Joints.
      v. Write the concept of Horn Antenna.
     vi. Discuss different access methods used in VSAT.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

       a. What do you mean by Klystron Tube?
       b. Write the operation and modes of waveguide in detail.
       c. What is a Dish Antenna? Explain principle its construction and its different types.
       d. What is Microwave communication system? Give its types and explain any one of them with the                  help of block diagram.

Microwave and Radar Engineering 6th Sem/ECE/May 2018 Diploma Question Solved Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

     a. VHF ranges between 30 MHz to 300 MHz .
     b. VSWR stands Voltage Standing Wave Ratio .
     c. UHF stands Ultra High Frequency .
     d. PIV means Peak Inverse Voltage
     e. TWT stands the Travelling Wave tube.
     f. V Antenna is used in RF and Wireless Communication .
    g. Refraction stands ___________________
    h. On the transmitting end the antenna emits the microwave signal from the transmission line into free          space.(T/F) TRUE
     i. MUF means Maximum Usable Frequency 
    j. Waveguide used to link the _________ and __________ .

Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section a Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2018 PAPER

VHF ranges between _____ to _________

VHF ranges between 30 MHz to 300 MHz .     

VSWR stands ________________

VSWR stands Voltage Standing Wave Ratio .     

UHF stands ________________

UHF stands Ultra High Frequency .     

PIV means ______________________

PIV means Peak Inverse Voltage .      

TWT stands the _________________tube.

TWT stands the Travelling Wave tube.    

V Antenna is used in ________________

V Antenna is used in RF and Wireless Communication .    

Refraction stands ___________________

Refraction stands ___________________     

On the transmitting end the antenna emits the microwave signal from the transmission line into free space.(T/F)


MUF means __________________

MUF means Maximum Usable Frequency    

Waveguide used to link the _________ and __________ 

Waveguide used to link the _________ and __________ .

Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Section B :Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2018 PAPER

What do mean by Microwave also explain the applications of microwave?

Define Microwave and applications of microwave

Draw and explain the Magnetron.

Explain the Magnetron.

Write the applications of Radar.

Applications of Radar.

Explain about the Waveguide Joints.

Waveguide Joints.

Write the concept of Horn Antenna.

Concept of Horn Antenna.

Discuss different access methods used in VSAT.

Different access methods used in VSAT.

Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2018 PAPER

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Section c :-Microwave and Radar Engineering May 2018 PAPER

What do you mean by Klystron Tube?

Klystron Tube

Write the operation and modes of waveguide in detail.

Operation and modes of waveguide in detail.

What is a Dish Antenna? Explain principle its construction and its different types.

Dish Antenna and principle its construction and its different types.

 What is Microwave communication system? Give its types and explain any one

Microwave communication system its types 

Write a short note on the  i. Magic tee

Short note on the 
i. Magic tee

Short Note on ii.Radar range equation

ii.Radar range equation

Write Short Note on iii. GUNN diode.

Short Note on iii. GUNN diode.

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