Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Microwave and Radar Engineering 6th Sem/ECE/Dec 2017 Paper

Microwave and Radar Engineering 6th Sem/ECE/Dec 2017 Diploma Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

     a. Ku band ranges from _______ to ______ GHz.
     b. C band ranges from _______ to __________ GHz.
     c ____________Mode is not used in wave guides.
     d ____________ exhibits negative resistance.
     e. The slotted line is used to measure _______________
     f. Isolator works on _______________principle.
     g. __________& ___________ modes are used in waveguides.
     h _______________ is a cross field device.
      i. Electron bunching occurs at ______________ cavity.
      j. The dominant mode in rectangular waveguide is _______________
      k. The phase velocity & group velocity are interrelated by ____________
       l. RADAR means ______________
     m. PPI in a radar system stands for ______________
      n. MTI means ___________________
      o. VSAT stands for __________________


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

    i. Draw & explain field configuration of TE10 mode.
    ii. Write any five applications of microwaves.
   iii. Discuss bends with neat diagram.
   iv. Write a note on tapers and twists.
    v. What is troposphere & what are its properties.
   vi. What are Radar displays? Discuss PPI.
   vii. Discuss performance characteristics & application of TWT.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

      a. Discuss Gunn diode in details.
      b. What is magnetron? Explain its construction and working.
      c. What is CW Doppler Radar? Discuss in details.
      d. Explain VSAT in details and Write application.
      e. Discuss horn antenna with neat diagram.

Microwave and Radar Engineering 6th Sem/ECE/May 2019 Diploma Question Solved Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

      a. RADAR stands for  Radio Detection and Ranging .
      b. TM01 or TM10 modes does not exist in a waveguide.
      c. To couple a co-axial line to a parallel wire line, it is best to use a Balun .
      d. The maximum unambiguous range in a system depends on Pulse Repetition Time (PRT) .
      e. A helical antenna produces Circularly polarized waves.
      f. VSWR stands for Voltage Standing Wave Ratio .
      g. The line of sight communication range is limited due to Diffraction
      h. The uplink frequency is different from downlink frequency to avoid _________
       i. VSAT network is operated in stand-alone  mode.
       j. Antenna reciprocity is put to use in RADAR systems.
       k. Amplifier or Oscillator is a crossed field device.
       l. In a hollow rectangular waveguide the phase velocity Decrease with increasing frequency.
      m. PPI in a radar system stands for Plan Position Indicator .
       n. The blind speed of MTI radar can be avoided by changing the _____rotation rate.
       o. A coupling loop is placed at a point of__________ magnetic field intensity.

Microwave and Radar Engineering dec 2017 paper

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Section a Microwave and Radar Engineering Dec 2017 paper

Ku band ranges from _______ to ______ GHz.
C band ranges from _______ to __________ GHz.
 ____________Mode is not used in wave guides.
 ____________ exhibits negative resistance.
The slotted line is used to measure _______________
 Isolator works on _______________principle.
__________& ___________ modes are used in waveguides.
 _______________ is a cross field device.
Electron bunching occurs at ______________ cavity.
The dominant mode in rectangular waveguide is _______________
The phase velocity & group velocity are interrelated by ____________
RADAR means ______________
PPI in a radar system stands for ______________
MTI means ___________________
 VSAT stands for __________________

Microwave and Radar Engineering Dec 2017 solved Paper Click Here

Section B :Microwave and Radar Engineering Dec 2017 PAPER

Draw & explain field configuration of TE10 mode.

Explain field configuration of TE10 mode.

Write any five applications of microwaves.

Five applications of microwaves.

Discuss bends with neat diagram.

Bends with neat diagram.

Write a note on tapers and twists.

Short note on tapers and twists.

What is troposphere & what are its properties.

Troposphere its properties.

What are Radar displays? Discuss PPI.

Radar displays

Discuss PPI.

Discuss performance characteristics & application of TWT

Performance characteristics & application of TWT.

Microwave and Radar Engineering Dec 2017  Solved Paper Click Here

Microwave and Radar Engineering DEC 2017 PAPER

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Section c :-Microwave and Radar Engineering dec 2017 paper

Discuss Gunn diode in details.

Gunn diode in details.

What is magnetron? Explain its construction and working.

Magnetron its construction and working.

What is CW Doppler Radar? Discuss in details.

CW Doppler Radar

Explain VSAT in details and Write application.

 VSAT and its application.

Discuss horn antenna with neat diagram.

Horn antenna with neat diagram.

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