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EXAM/ECE/CSE/IT/EEE/6129/0624/Dec 2010
  Microprocessor 8085 PSBTE Dec 2010 Paper                                SECTION-A
Q1. Do as directed.                             15×1=15
   I.1 KB is Equal to 1000 Bits (True/False)                                           Solution False Because 1 KB = 1024 Bits
   II. LSI stands for Large Scale Integration .
   III. An Instruction has Two Parts Opcode and Operands (Data).
   IV. Program Counter is a 16 Bit Register .
   V. Addressing Capacity of 8085 Microprocessois 65536 byte or 64KB
  VI. 8085 Microprocessor Chip has 40 Number of Pins.
  VII. ALE Stands for Address Latch Enable.
  VIII. The Data Bus and Lower Order Address Bus are Multiplexed.
  VIV.IN and Out are the 1 Byte Instructions.
   X.JMP Instruction is the Example of Immediate Addressing Mode.
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                  5×6=30
   I. List Various applications of 8085 microprocessors?
  II. Define Address Bus,Data Bus and Control Bus ?
  III.Differentiate Between Memory Mapped Input output I/O and I/O Mapped        I/O Scheme ?
  IV. Briefly Describe Various Interrupts of 8085 ?
  V. Load the Hexadecimal Numbers 9B H and A7 H in Registers D & E                 Respectively Add the numbers and Display the Output at an Output Port ?
  VI. Explain PUSH and POP Instructions ?
  VII. Discuss Various flags of 8085?Â
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                3×10=30
   1. Explain various addressing modes of 8085 ?
   2. Explain various hardware interrupts of 8085 ?
   3. What is DMA data transfer scheme? Explain in details ?
   4. Draw and explain block diagram of 8255 ?
   5. Draw the Internal Architecture of 8085 and Explain Various Functional          Blocks ?
microprocessor 8085 mp
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Section a:- microprocessor 8085 mp DEC 2010 diploma paper
1 KB is Equal to 1000 Bits (True/False)ÂSolution False Because 1 KB = 1024 Bits
LSI stands for _____________________LSI stands for Large Scale Integration .
An Instruction has Two Parts __________ and ______________An Instruction has Two Parts Opcode and Operands (Data).
Program Counter is a ________ Bit Register .Program Counter is a 16 Bit Register .
Addressing Capacity of 8085 Microprocessor is _____________Addressing Capacity of 8085 Microprocessor is 65536 byte or 64KB
8085 Microprocessor Chip has _______ Number of Pins.8085 Microprocessor Chip has 40 Number of Pins.
ALE Stands for __________________ALE Stands for Address Latch Enable.
The Data Bus and Lower Order Address Bus are _______________The Data Bus and Lower Order Address Bus are Multiplexed.
IN and Out are the ______ Byte Instructions.IN and Out are the 1 Byte Instructions.
JMP Instruction is the Example of ________________ addressing Mode.JMP Instruction is the Example of Immediate Addressing Mode.
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Section B : Microprocessor PAPER dec 2010 solution here
List Various applications of 8085 microprocessors?Applications of 8085 microprocessors
Define Address Bus,Data Bus and Control Bus ?Define Address Bus,Data Bus and Control BusÂ
Differentiate Between Memory Mapped Input output I/O and I/O Mapped I/O Scheme ?Comparison Between Memory Mapped Input output I/O and I/O Mapped I/O SchemeÂ
Briefly Describe Various Interrupts of 8085 ?Various Interrupts of 8085Â
Load the Hexadecimal Numbers 9B H and A7 H in Registers D & E Respectively Add the numbers and Display the Output at an Output Port ?Load the Hexadecimal Numbers 9B H and A7 H in Registers D & E Respectively Add the numbers and Display the Output at an Output PortÂ
Explain PUSH and POP Instructions ?PUSH and POP InstructionsÂ
Discuss Various flags of 8085?Various flags of 8085
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micropro cessor mp 8085 dec 2010 diploma PAPER
For More videos Click HereSection c microprocessor 8085 dec 2010 paper SOLUTION HERE
Explain various addressing modes of 8085 ?Addressing modes of 8085Â
Explain various hardware interrupts of 8085 ?Hardware interrupts of 8085Â
What is DMA data transfer scheme? Explain in details ?DMA data transfer scheme
Draw and explain block diagram of 8255 ?Explain block diagram of 8255Â
Draw the Internal Architecture of 8085 and Explain Various Functional Blocks ?Internal Architecture of 8085
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