Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/3610/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/3610/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper for 2018 Batch Onwards


Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    5×6=30

i. What are the applications of microcontroller in communication system?
ii. Explain Interfacing of stepper motor with 8051 microcontroller.
iii. Give the various features of 8051μC?
iv. Write a program in assembly language to add two 8-bit numbers.
v. What is addressing mode and its types? Give example of each.
vi. What do you mean by assembler directives? Where they can be used?
vii. List advantages of PIC microcontroller?


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

a. Explain various addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller.
b. What are the applications of microcontroller in the field of communication system?
c. Draw and explain the pin configuration of 8051?
d. What are various SFR’s of 8051? Explain with example.

Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/3610/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section A :Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/3610/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

What are the applications of microcontroller in communication system?

Applications of microcontroller in communication system.

Explain Interfacing of stepper motor with 8051 microcontroller.

Interfacing of stepper motor with 8051 microcontroller.

Give the various features of 8051μC?

Features of 8051μC.

Write a program in assembly language to add two 8-bit numbers.

Program in assembly language to add two 8-bit numbers.

What is addressing mode and its types? Give example of each.

Addressing mode and its types

What do you mean by assembler directives? Where they can be used?

Assembler directives and Where they can be used.

List advantages of PIC microcontroller?

Advantages of PIC microcontroller.

Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/3610/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper Click Here

Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/3610/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Microcontroller and Embedded System 5th Sem ECE/3610/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Explain various addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller.

Addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller.

What are the applications of microcontroller in the field of communication system?

Applications of microcontroller in the field of communication system.

Draw and explain the pin configuration of 8051?

Pin configuration of 8051.

What are various SFR’s of 8051? Explain with example.

Various SFR’s of 8051.

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