Metrology and Instrumentation 3rd Sem/Mech/4653/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Metrology and Instrumentation 3rd Sem/Mech/4653/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper (For Batch 2018 Onwards)


Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    5×6=30

i. What is sine bar? Explain the method of measurement of unknown angle.
ii. What are the factors that affect surface finish?
iii. Discuss Systematic and Random errors.
iv. Explain the concept of primary texture and secondary texture.
v. Describe construction and working of slip gauges in detail.
vi. Explain the construction and working of dial indicator with the help of a figure.
vii. Describe the working principle of strain gauge.
viii. Discuss the methodology of checking flatness of a surface.


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

a. Explain the construction and working principle of Vernier callipers. Also, discuss the classification of
Vernier callipers.
b. Explain construction and working of Tomilson surface meter.
c. Explain construction and working of Tool maker\’s microscope. List its uses also.
d. Explain the 3-wire method of measurement of pitch diameter.

Metrology and Instrumentation 3rd Sem/Mech/4653/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section A:-Metrology and Instrumentation 3rd Sem/Mech/4653/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

What is sine bar? Explain the method of measurement of unknown angle.

Sine bar and  method of measurement of unknown angle.

What are the factors that affect surface finish?

Factors that affect surface finish.

Discuss Systematic and Random errors.

Systematic and Random errors.

Explain the concept of primary texture and secondary texture.

Concept of primary texture and secondary texture.

Describe construction and working of slip gauges in detail.

Construction and working of slip gauges in detail.

Explain the construction and working of dial indicator with the help of a figure.

Construction and working of dial indicator with the help of a figure.

Describe the working principle of strain gauge.

Working principle of strain gauge.

Discuss the methodology of checking flatness of a surface.

Methodology of checking flatness of a surface.

Metrology and Instrumentation 3rd Sem/Mech/4653/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper Click Here

Metrology and Instrumentation 3rd Sem/Mech/4653/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Metrology and Instrumentation 3rd Sem/Mech/4653/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Explain the construction and working principle of Vernier callipers. Also, discuss the classification of Vernier callipers

Construction and working principle of Vernier callipers. 

Classification of
Vernier callipers.

Explain construction and working of Tomilson surface meter

Construction and working of Tomilson surface meter.

Explain construction and working of Tool maker\’s microscope. List its uses also.

Construction and working of Tool maker’s microscope. 

Explain the 3-wire method of measurement of pitch diameter

3-wire method of measurement of pitch diameter.

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