Medical Electronics 6th Sem ECE/6180/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Medical Electronics 6th Sem ECE/6180/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Medical Electronics 6th Sem ECE/6180/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper


Q1. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    3×5=15

i. Write a short note on skin temperature.
ii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ECG recording?
iii. Define the terms cell and tissue.
iv. Describe nebulizer.
v. What is the difference between body surface electrodes and internal electrodes?
vi. What is a natural pacemaker?
vii. Give at least three functions of spinal cord.


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

a. Explain construction and working of Avalanche photodiode (APD) with diagram.
b. What is optical power budgeting. How it is helpful in designing fiber optical system. Explain in detail.
c. Explain the construction and working principle of laser diode with neat diagram.
d. Write a short note on i) Dispersion in fiber optics ii) Wavelength division multiplexing

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma Feb 2021 Paper

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Section B :Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma Feb 2021 Paper

Write a short note on skin temperature.

Short note on skin temperature.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ECG recording?

Advantages and disadvantages of ECG recording.

Define the terms cell and tissue.

Cell and tissue.

Describe nebulizer.


What is the difference between body surface electrodes and internal electrodes?

Difference between body surface electrodes and internal electrodes.

What is a natural pacemaker?

Natural pacemaker.

Give at least three functions of spinal cord.

Three functions of spinal cord.

List a few applications of Optical Communication ?

Few applications of Optical Communication 

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma Feb 2021 Paper Click Here

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma Feb 2021 Paper

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Section c :-Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma Feb 2021 Paper

Explain construction and working of Avalanche photodiode (APD) with diagram.

Construction and working of Avalanche photodiode (APD) with diagram.

What is optical power budgeting. How it is helpful in designing fiber optical system.

Optical power budgeting. How it is helpful in designing fiber optical system. 

Explain the construction and working principle of laser diode with neat diagram.

working principle of laser diode with neat diagram.

Write a short note on i) Dispersion in fiber optics ii) Wavelength division multiplexing

 i) Dispersion in fiber optics ii) Wavelength division multiplexing

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